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01-07-10, 14:36
silly thing to ask i know but just wanna know

can cleaning make you ache the next day?

01-07-10, 18:54
Any unaccustomed activity will make you ache the next day. Did you do some spring cleaning??? because unless you do alot of cleaning every day suddenly doing movements you are not used to will hurt.

01-07-10, 20:05
cleaning, gardening etc can all make you ache

01-07-10, 21:05
yes i did i was doing a clean out of my front room
guess the heat didnt help as well

thank you for the replys

01-07-10, 21:22
Cleaning is extremely bad for your health and should only be done when you're down to your last pair of pants, the carpet disappeared several months ago, and the mould in the cups in the kitchen have formed their own government and decided to take over the world! :roflmao:

01-07-10, 22:24
I agree with Belfry and would add that cleaning should only ever be done by other people...and they should never ask us to lift our feet while hoovering either