View Full Version : Just been invited on a bike ride...should I or shouldn't I? :/

01-07-10, 14:46
My best mate has just invited me out for a bike ride in abit. He's very understanding of how I am & is only trying to encourage me to get out & be active cos I always used to enjoy it before the anxiety kicked in.
I'm only 23.

I want to go but I'm scared of excercise ever since I had the slightly abnormal ECG. But an ECHO & 24hr tape were fine & only 1 out of 5 ECGs have shown something up & I have to pick up a Cardiac Memo on Monday. :/

He said we only have to be an hour or so & I can come home whenever I like...should I just go for it? Or keep using my heart as an excuse? :(

01-07-10, 16:04
go for it!

01-07-10, 16:12
I say go for it, you say your mate is understanding, so i'm sure he will understand going at a pace that suits you and also if it still gets too overwhelming, as Le said, you can always walk!!!

Good luck, sweetie!! :)

01-07-10, 16:59
Aw thanks so much guys! <3
I did go out for abit & I did enjoy it but I did get slightly worried at times. Had to stop & check my pulse a few times to which my mate said 'it's when it's NOT beating that you wanna worry' lol. Which I suppose he's right, better beating strong & hard then not at all lol.

Felt abit dizzy too but I just carried on with it, we were about an hour. Feeling abit lightheaded now but probably because it's been awhile & I haven't been eating much lately though my anxiety, but I will treat myself to a good tea now. :)

He's said we can do it again tomorrow if I want...& you know, I just might do :)

01-07-10, 17:08
I'm so glad it went well for you!

And you should be very proud of yourself too!! :)

01-07-10, 17:17
well done!

01-07-10, 18:31
Well done! I would go tomorrow too. Say yes and get yourself out again before you have too much time to put yourself off! :D

01-07-10, 19:29
Thanks so much guys, the support means everything *hugs*
You wouldn't believe how much better I feel for it! Now that the lightheadedness has calmed down & I've had a nice tea. I just feel more energized & alert & just well...better! :D I can't believe I've been putting off excercise for all these months, even though I've been losing weight anyway but the excercise would have obviously made me feel better in myself...

So I'm defo going again tomorrow, I don't care how I feel & I urge others to try it too! You'll be suprised! :) x