View Full Version : Vaginal abcess - ladies!

01-07-10, 19:06
I developed a tiny cyst in my vagina 18 months ago and was told by three doctors as long as it was painless and not growing ignore it - I did but last October it suddenly got 10 times bigger and very sore and Dr said it had turned into an abcess - he gave me antibiotics which did nothing and a week later it was much bigger with two yellow heads!!! the Gp said it looked like it would burst but he sent me to emergency gyny clinic and they agreed - they said lots of hot flannels on it to get it to burst which it did 3 days later. But it left a spongy area and I was sure that only one head had burst and other had just gone down. I was using hot flannel with tea tree and it really got it to burst.

A few months later a small spongy lump had come back but was painless but a few weeks ago started to get niggles but lump was not growing till today when it suddenly started aching like heck and is about 5 times bigger.

I am back to doing the tea tree hot flannel and hoping I can get it to burst. I am going to go back to GP to ask if I can continue this treatment for a week and see if I can get it to go on its own. I don't really want more antibiotics as they just don't get to the area and are a waste.

I just wondered if any other lady on here had suffered with these painful and embarrasing abcesses.

02-07-10, 09:44
Obviously no one has had one of these on here:weep: lots of viewing but no replies.
Trying not to get in a panic about this - saw Dr today and he said I need strong antibiotics so got max dose amoxicillin which I hate taking any antibiotics and have had 3 courses in past 9 months. He said if it doens't burst or go away with antibiotics and heat and tea tree oil and gets very big and painful then its the emergency clinic and op but if it clears up again then comes back again its appt with gyny for op- they have to give general aneathetic to do op as they can't give you local in such a delicate place:blush:.

Now I am worrying about the antibiotics as well - I read in the newspaper sometime ago that they think antibiotics can cause cancer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-07-10, 11:13
Hi countrygirl, not much help but just wanted to reply. I don't have any experience of this but do get what I presume are boils on my legs. Doc gave me a long-term course of antibiotics but they upset my stomach so much I stopped taking them. So I'm back to just putting up with it. Hadn't thought of trying tea tree though.

All I can say is hope it clears up soon :hugs:

02-07-10, 12:59
Hi there

Boils and abscesses are pretty common in "hairy" bits of our bodies; one guy I used to work with had an abscess on the base of his spine, which must have been horrendously painful. I know he had to have it lanced in hospital but I don't think he's had any problem with it since.

I wouldn't worry too much about the antibiotics - they're widely prescribed and have been more about 60 years. I think if there was a proven link with cancer, we'd all be dead by now!

02-07-10, 18:27
Hi countrygirl,
Im not much help either, Im affraid but wanted to send you a hug anyway.
I had what the midwife called a stitch blister a few days after my son was born. It was a very sore, yellow mess covering my one and only stitch. Hot salty baths, hot as I could stand compresses all to no avail, I did the unthinkable and picked out the stitch. After a course of antibiotics and umpteen hot flannels it did eventually clear. I did notice though that every month it would get sore and hard again, my gp said it was just coinsidence...in the same spot?!
Hope yours clears up soon, anything down there is paniful and makes you feel miserable.
Sending you hugs, take care

02-07-10, 22:25
Thanks everyone - I need the hugs! My abcess is inside the vagina so not so easy to put hot compresses on it:D It is really throbbing and keep gettting shooting pains in the area. Thankfully my lovely husband is quite happy to nurse so to speak as there is no way I can see as have yet to master putting my head between my legs upside down:winks:

He says that there is a very snall pointy bit developing on top of abcess so assume this is the head developing- wish it would hurry up. I have done the hot compresses and now having hot baths as well. Started the antibiotics today but of course they won't start working for at least a day or more.

Last time it took 10 days to come to a head but this time much more painful even though it is much smaller that it was last time or at least is at moment.

wish me luck please

03-07-10, 21:43
My abcess is inside my vagina not on the outside where there are hairs etc - if it was on the outside of my body then they would drain it with local but because it actually inside my vagina they would need to give me a general.

Its starting to get a head and is very painful - now using hot salt water on it as well to try and bring it to a head and burst.

Not a happy bunny at moment