View Full Version : Keep crying :-(

01-07-10, 20:39
I keep crying feel soo low and trapped in such a vicious circle :-(

margaret jones
01-07-10, 20:45
Hi H26 sorry you are feeling so sad at the moment is there someone you can call for a chat ?? or to visit ??

Take Care Maggie :hugs:

02-07-10, 00:27
Sorry you are struggling h. Baggs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

02-07-10, 07:10
HI H26

I know how you feel. It does get better, is there a friend you can chat with or meet up with. I find that helps me xx :hugs:

02-07-10, 09:21
Hi H26

Cant offer you much help at the minute because I feel the same. I could have written that myself.

I do know though that I've come through this before so I can do it again and so can you.

Much love

Mabel xxx

02-07-10, 09:53
aww hayley

your such a strong person for what you deal with i dont think you rlise just how strong you are i know after our meny chats how things can get in top of you did you htink about that thingi asked you ?
i hope you feel better soon and rember the more honest you are about yr issues the sooner ull get better xxx

Vanilla Sky
02-07-10, 18:54
Although it doesn't seem so at the time... crying is a good thing, it helps release pent up emotions. You won't cry forever , there will be a healing process.
All i can offer you is love and hugs sweetheart,
Paige xxx

02-07-10, 20:46
Hey H26- hope you've had a better day today. And that you've been able to talk to someone. Take care of yourself


03-07-10, 11:12
thanks everyone for the messages i'm feeling a little bit more positive today. not looking forward to tuesday tho i have to see occupational health at work x