View Full Version : bad day

01-07-10, 21:17
having two days off work and its turned into a nightmare , just taken 20 mg of diazipam . only have them in the house for my back , maybe 2 tabs a year but every things got out of hand, feel like taking all the 25 tabs i have left. why do things seem to get better then some one kicks you in the teeth:weep::weep:

01-07-10, 21:22
I know how you feel Chris. I've been having ups and downs a lot lately. I once had a great friend who I always talked to when I felt bad, and he understood me completely and always calmed me down by being objective. I'm gonna start talking to him regularily again I think. Do you know anyone you can talk to?

01-07-10, 21:40
Hi shimakora to be honest at work i have alot of people to talk to as i work in a care home and they are all women . Im the only man there and they have been great , my wife left me and its been hard to cope as i have my son with me and i still have to talk to her and thats when it gets me down . Its just that things have gone so bad this week , its been a hard 10 months but it was getting better life is so cruel

01-07-10, 21:52
Hi Chris, sorry that you are feeling so bad. Yep life is unfair sometimes. The bad days are always such a shock after a few good ones. But we all have blips, we all get tired of fighting. It will get better. Keep the other 25 tablets for your bad back!! Keep trying Chris. If you need to vent please feel free to send me a message anytime.

01-07-10, 22:11
Thanks suzi you are right ,just a bad day ,at least i will sleep well to night .think i will go to bed now thanks to you both:flowers:

01-07-10, 22:17
Take care and sleep well!

03-07-10, 06:09
Hi Chris, are you feeling better today? :hugs:

jaded jean
03-07-10, 07:55
Hi Chris.
Hope you are feeling better, if it continues see your doctor. do you have family you can talk to to share your thoughts and concerns?
I wish you well:hugs: and big hugs.

03-07-10, 12:01
Thanx rainbowgirl i do feel better to day, Jean you are right i think its time to see the doctor as things seem to be getting a bit out of hand . will go this week and see what they say :scared15: take care both of you::flowers: