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23-02-04, 14:18
When at my sisters last week she opened a bottle of juice.

I asked her 'Did that click'? her fiancee burst out laughing

I asked 'What's funny'
he replied ' You sound just like her'!!!

My sister also obviously has anxiety issues!! as when her finacee opens a new bottle of juice etc she asks him if it click' just like i do!!!

Oh dear!!!


23-02-04, 18:00
Thus adding strength to genetic traits as well as how Mum did things when you were smaller.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

24-02-04, 09:00
Absolutely Meg

Learned Anxiety


24-02-04, 15:38
H'mmm - only I'm nothing like my mum (apart from the fact we're both control freaks).

Thanks for that Lucky - got another food worry to add to my list now! (ha ha) Ever since getting salmonella I am terrible about food hygiene. I argue with my mum who puts bloody raw meat anywhere in the fridge and defrosts meat in the microwave or under the hot tap so she can eat it there and then.(Obviously she cooks it first) And she eats things that have been open for days. And past the sell by or use by date.

I must waste more food because of my anal fixation with sell by and use by dates!

Never thought about the issue of drinks before now!!!!!!!


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

01-03-04, 14:29

i think 'normal' people may worry about your mothers defrosting habits charlie!!


01-03-04, 14:38

She has no awareness of food hygiene at all!

I came home yesterday to discover she had put a sponge cake on the bottom shelf, and moved my defrosting chicken onto the second shelf up with the bacon she had bought. She can't understand why I wouldn't eat the cream sponge (ok, so the chicken was still in its protective packaging, and wasn't leaking) but thats not the point.

Also, I only use the glass board for raw meat, and she uses the plastic one which obviously gets grooves from the knife - and then cuts sandwiches on it.

However, the most biazarre thing about the whole food hygiene thing is that when I used to show the horses, there was never anywhere to wash your hands satisfactorily, and we used to smoke, eat and drink during the day, without a thought. And although my horse had had a bath the night before, they still aren't the cleanest creatures in the world - particularly when you've just removed their tail bandage!


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

01-03-04, 14:44
hy charlie,

ime with lucky...your mother is playing russian roulette...put your foot down matey,before its too late!.....bryan.

01-03-04, 15:01

I just don't eat anything that has moved between her and the freezer.

Apart from frozen peas - I don't think it's possible to get anything from frozen peas.

Although does anybody have experience with oven chips? She bought a bag back from Fred the Dentists flat the other day, and they were practically defrosted by the time she got home. They are currently residing in the freezer. But will they be safe? They are after all only potato.


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

01-03-04, 15:11
My daughter had food poisoning, aged 5, from a dodgy burger at a school fete.

She ended up in hospital and was ill for over a month.

I am obsessed with food hygiene and would never, ever again allow either of my kids to eat barbecued food.

Charlie, cream cake stored under raw chicken??? Arghhhhhhhhhhh

Glad to see you decided to give it a miss!!!

Kate x

01-03-04, 15:18

ime no expert,but would think oven chips to be okay!

just out of interest,have you tried frying them,quite tasty lol.

back to mum..be careful of meat and fish!


01-03-04, 15:30
I have fried chips too Bryan!!!!

Charlie - i think the chips should be okay as well!!
but i agree raw meat should be at the bottom of the fridge with nothing else beside it!!


01-03-04, 15:32

sorry to hear about your daughter,food poisoning is a dreadful condition,and as parents,we feel so helpless.

barbequed food can be so tasty,but needs someone to continually turn the food,so that it cooks evenly.

if i go to one in the summer,i watch,whoevers in charge of the food,before i decide to eat,or not!


01-03-04, 15:42
I'm afraid I always eat tea before I go to a barbeque.

And then I only eat things that I have seen fetched from the fridge, but straight onto a piping hot barbeque and then cooked until they are black. Preferably all the way through. Ideally I stick to vegetarian options (providing they haven't been stored near to raw meat first) and potato salad. Bread rolls are usually safe too!

I won't eat any meat that is pink in the middle!

The problem with my mum is that you can't tell her either - she says oh it will be fine!

I often throw her piggy backed chicken away. She wraps the bacon around the chicken when she puts it in the oven. And by the time its cooked the bacon shatters like peanut brittle, and the chicken that has been covered by the bacon is still pink underneath. Usually I am eating after her, so I surepticiously bin it and open a can of tuna or something instead!

I had food poisioning, and it's the quickest way to loose weight ever. Unfortunately, the side effects don't really make it worth while!


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

01-03-04, 16:00
The best way to barbecue is to cook the meat (3/4) in the conventional way and then put them on the bbq for that unique taste!!!!!

01-03-04, 16:01

Even now, if we are eating out, I go and wash my hands and then, wait for it, I stick my finger into the middle of any meat/fish!!!

Unless it burns my finger off, the kids DO NOT get to eat it!!!

Kate x

01-03-04, 16:05

can we take it as read,that your mum,washes out the chickens bum..even oven ready ones,have plastic bags containing jibblets,therefor can house bacteria.

i always mash up garlic,and shove it up..then a big onion to keep the chicken moist!


01-03-04, 16:10

I occasionally buy one of those throw away bbq's cos I'm not too keen on them myself. Too much smoke billowing etc!!

Anyway, I also cook them first in the oven and then stick them on the bbq!!!

Only way to make sure they are cooked thoroughly

Kate x

01-03-04, 16:38
Well, that's my idea for May meetup weekend out of the window ...

Far too many people watching me or exploring my kitchen. I could take it all round to neighbour Sheila and just produce it presto and noone would know where or how it came. She's a got a fridge in the garden . I'm sure we could put it on an extension .. lol


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

02-03-04, 12:51
No Meg

So long as you don't store raw meat at the top of the fridge, leave chicken to defrost on the sideboard for 24 hours, or try and make us eat BBQ, we will be fine.

Anyway, I thought I was doing chicken stir fry? I can guarantee the safety of the chicken. Being an anally retentive hygiene freak myself. And Bryan can help too.

Or we could just have baked beans and toast. Even my mother couldn't poision you with baked beans and toast.


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

02-03-04, 14:34
if your going to eat baked beans charlie,we had better eat outside. heeee.


02-03-04, 15:46
Good point Bryan

Maybe I'll just stick with toast!

Or maybe I could have cheese on toast!

And at least we'll have two fully qualified health care professionals on hand should anything go wrong (although I know technically neither of you "specialise" in food poisining cases)


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

02-03-04, 19:57
I want a BBQ please - but I like it well done and tend to cook some stuff - like chicken in the oven first.

Then we can all explore Meg's house - he he


03-03-04, 13:04
iceland have these massive bags of pre-cooked barbeque food,for only a fiver...enough for eight people.this way,you just have to heat them up...luvly jubbly!

charlie,theres no reason,for you not to eat baked beans...just dont turn your back to the barbeque lol......bryan.

04-03-04, 09:08
Yes but Bry, aren't the pre-cooked BBQ food at Iceland frozen?

Then we have the worry about sensible and responsible defrosting.

And we can't have a sponge cake then, in case it ends up on the bottom shelf!!!!!!


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.