View Full Version : blood pressure

02-07-10, 10:13
ive got a high reading on my bp test at the diabetic clinic but the nurse didnt seem concerned and just said see the gp in 4 weeks to see how it is then. im already on a number of tablets to control my bp. i am now wondering if i should buy a bp monitor from the chemist. does anybody have any views about them being good or bad, or should i wait and only have it checked at the surgery.

02-07-10, 10:35
They can be a good thing, provided you dont attach your anxiety to it and use it too much.
My mum suffers with high blood pressure and has a home testing machine. She checks her BP twice a day and notes down the results. It helps the doctors to see whats going on and can speed up the process of looking for a cure as youve done a lot of the ground work.

02-07-10, 13:05
As Vixxy says, home testers are a good idea as long as you don't use it too much. medics often don't take much notice of a single high blood pressure reading, unless it's really bad, as often our blood pressure can change quite a lot for all sorts of reasons (including anxiety!).

Another thing that can happen is "white coat syndrome" where someone's blood pressure is actually fairly normal, but they get nervous as soon as someone tries to take their blood pressure, and it goes up. My partner's dad has been having this problem - if he takes it at home, it's fine, but as soon as he goes to the doctor's, it's above normal.

02-07-10, 14:35
It could be white coat syndrome so when you visit a nurse or Dr your blood pressure goes up.

You can buy a blood pressure monitor for about £10 so next time you are due at the Dr's take it yourself before you leave home so if it is high when checked you can tell them what it was at home

12-07-10, 17:40
Hi Kestral
Just had to reply to this as I had the experience of using a home BP monitor recently. I have a fear of high BP readings and always get into a state before going to the clinic. I am on BP meds. I had been having ringing in my left ear for ages and was concerned so my son lent me his BP monitor. I wish I had never seen the thing! I expected it to be lower than at the clinic, but was obviously wound up taking it and got really high reading. The natural thing to do was try again ....and again!! By the time I was finished I knew it was so high that I must leave it for the time being. Tried again next day with similar results....it did come down after several times but by this time I was in such a state that I had to put on an appointment at the clinic for reassurance. Therefore for me, it is a really bad idea! Suppose the only way to know is to try it for yourself.
But for someone with a specific anxiety about BP I don't think it is necessarily a great idea!! Good luck whatever you decide. X:blush:

12-07-10, 18:11
I dont think these home bp monitors are for me. I had a similar experience as mmac43. I used my hubbys and instead of it getting lower with each time I took it I was in such a state it got higher and higher! I did get it down to an acceptable reading and now wont go near the thing. I actually feel sick when my hubby gets it out to check his own!
In saying that it has worked wonders for my hubby. He has high bp which is controlled by drugs and was told to get a home monitor and take his own bp from time to time and it works well for him.
Hope this has been a help, take care