View Full Version : the black box nightmare

02-07-10, 11:54
set in a huge expanse of space,infinity perhaps.there is a black monolith coffin.in that coffin lies the remains of a child i must remember.it is my job to honour him until he is found and laid to rest.

i know the exact meaning of this nightmare and it chills me to the soul.
any kind words would be appreciated.i am terrified:weep:

02-07-10, 13:44
If I had this would put the light of God in this place.
Give it a go see if it helps.

02-07-10, 14:45
set in a huge expanse of space,infinity perhaps.there is a black monolith coffin.in that coffin lies the remains of a child i must remember.it is my job to honour him until he is found and laid to rest.

i know the exact meaning of this nightmare and it chills me to the soul.
any kind words would be appreciated.i am terrified:weep:

You have honoured him because you have not and cannot forget him. Through your posts although we don't know him, we can imagine this "lost" child so he will stay in our memories.

He is at rest hun because he cannot be hurt anymore, he is the eternal child while you are the man now..you have your family and you must look to them and keep them safe.

This is the best way you can give honour to this lost boy and all the others like him..they have already gone home to rest..and you are safe now too. :hugs:

03-07-10, 14:36
Oh Ash, I've sort of inferred a bit about the history that fuels your worst dreams and this one especially. All the alternatives I can imagine are indeed chilling. Your direct suffering was bad and yet has left you here with us and your family. For which we can be very grateful. HUG.

There must be many who were not so lucky in man's history, and I assume you have a particular person in mind. It is an immense thing that you care about him/them more than your own suffering. I have tremendous respect for that, but not for the damage it does you. HUG. When we are children there is little we can do to save or protect ourselves and its unreasonable for you to feel guilt for suffering that happened to others at that same time. Society, various organisations and people should undoubtedly feel guilty for that time, but probably do not. You need not share their blame or their fate!

I wonder if (in your own time) it might be useful to have a memorial to who you honour, and perhaps all who suffered. Whether a service of some kind (humanist, punk, old friends, ...), or a point of reference. Even something like a marker and a tree in a green cemetery (lots of remembrance, very little religion at those).

03-07-10, 22:42
http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1768198168#!/photo.php?pid=155269&id=1768198168 kev,as ever you advocate what i have already done....great minds!!

03-07-10, 23:35
I think maybe you mentioned the tattoo before. My memory isn't its best these days. That's a pretty emphatic statement! In another sense though its a very personal and private one, and perhaps draws more on horrors shared or understood.

In my rambling I was thinking more of something as a positive public affirmation. Like the way I tried to turn my parent's funeral services into a positive remembrance and an insight into them and their early life, their achievements and goals met - turning peoples' attention away from their sadder and emptier later years.

It may not be the time for that yet, but perhaps one day.