View Full Version : Who doesn't know what caused their gad?

02-07-10, 12:27
In view of Jens thread previously about knowing what caused her anxiety, is there anyone who doesn't know?

I don't really know why mine started, I have a "few" reasons in what I think has played a part but nothing "specific" has actually happend.

To be honest, sometimes this causes me to feel a bit anxious in itself because then I question "why am I like this" but then again I guess a lot of us do.

For info, I am currently taking 15mg of Mirtazapine and 2mg Diazepam

I am awaiting some kind of councelling and really hoping this helps, as I just want to "spill"! lol. Also am considering Hynposis???

S x

02-07-10, 17:05
I have no idea either. I would be interested to read the other thread. I remember in the delivery room after I had my 2nd child i felt a weird kind of 'clunk' go through my body. That's the best way I can describe it. From then on I couldn't relax and it's got worse and better since then. It was at it's absolute worst after I lost a baby. I blame my thyroid - or lack of it.

02-07-10, 17:55
Can't really pinpoint a specific moment.

I just remember feeling sick all the time, and then gradually becoming worried about being sick in public.

That's where it stemmed from I suppose.