View Full Version : odd question

02-07-10, 12:39
just wondered if anxiety is linked to testosterone,im 37 male.its just over the past 6 months or so ive gotton really hairy on my torso,had hairs b4 but this has come out of nowhere,not really bothered about it was just wondering i there was a link.

Going home
04-07-10, 22:55
My advise to you puppyskin, is to read the first paragraph of Waseem's post. Because this part is valid in that testosterone is a hormone and any imbalance of hormones, whether male or female, can cause heightened anxiety which can lead to panics, as well as more suface hair on the body...too much testosterone, or loss of hair as in too little oestrogen etc. Have a word with your doctor about this as you might have an imbalance.

Workplace doctors rise again. But Waseem apologises in advance if any part of the information isn't helpful...so that's ok then. He is not a doctor by the way, nor a therapist even though he may sound like it. His information comes from a website...probably through Google, so don't worry about the vast number of side effects the information lists....don't let them make you more anxious.

I'm sorry but i just think this guy pops up every now and again to wind people up. He's been told not to post pages of information that we can all find on google, a place we are always being advised not to go near if we have health anxiety. I think its mean of him to post like this. He's making anxious people feel worse not better.

Anna xxx

04-07-10, 23:16
Good god talk about scare mongering! That is way too much information and completey unnecessary for the initial post. That is NOT the way to set anyone's mind at rest.

I hope the poster disregards the above information and seeks proper (decent) advice.


05-07-10, 02:11
Hmm, see exactly what you meant before going home.

its bad enough people going to doctor google without doctor google coming here.

every time I come here I see posts by the people who have unfortunately been drawn towards google and had their health anxiety set off by something they've found online. I don't think posting half the content of a website that may or (more likely) may not contain completely accurate information is completely inappropriate.

edit: i meant I DO think its inappropriate :P

05-07-10, 11:17
i just meant can anxiety raise testosterone levels, hence the growing of hairs????

Going home
05-07-10, 14:21
Puppyskin, anxiety won't raise testosterone levels but can be a symptom if the levels are already raised and excess body hair can also be a sypmtom, but best to see your doctor about it as he can test hormone levels for you by taking some blood.

Anna xxx

05-07-10, 14:25
the best advice is have a word with your own gp he will explain to you the best x