View Full Version : New job anxiety

02-07-10, 19:41
I know this is very common and very normal.

I start a new job tomorrow night after a few weeks of applying round at places.

While it is normal to be nervous, I don't want it to get too much.

Any advice would be very much appreciated.

Thanks guys

02-07-10, 21:20
I started my new job today! It went great although I have an achy back. You will find you will not be anxious at all because you are so caught up in the new job. Just sleep and eat well.
If mine went well, then so will yours. Remember, you can always escape if you want to and you can tell them about your anxiety, they will understand.

02-07-10, 21:30
Cheers. Dunno if I wanna be telling people about it on my first day. You're probably right, once I get consumed in what I'm doing and into the swing of things I'll forget all about it.

Glad to hear your first day went well, and thanks for the reply.

03-07-10, 11:36

I know it's only a minor problem but I'm getting a wee bit worked up about this.

Can anyone offer any sort of...techniques? Just to keep me calm. I'm trying to 'fake' confidence and that seems to be helping a little bit. The whole 'fake it til you make it' thing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

03-07-10, 12:58
Try and really stay "in the moment" - most of the anxiety is coming from what you fear "might" happen at work. I too share this fear about work - I always worry I am going to faint or not be up to the job etc. Well done in the first place for getting some work - it is not easy to find at the moment. The fact that you're strong enough to find work means alot - just put the same energy you used finding the job into doing the job you have found. It's hard to live "in the moment" and takes some getting used to but if you practice it, it takes the edge off the anxiety. Don't rush getting ready for work either, take things in a slow, calm, relaxed manner and BREATHE deeply. Remember - what's the worst that could happen???? If you did start feeling anxious at work see if you can skive off to the loo for a while to compose yourself - that's what I do (or did do when I was working!). It is more stressful being out of a job than in one sometimes , so you've done the hard bit already!! Good luck, let us know how you get on.

03-07-10, 13:06
Thanks for the reply.

I went out for a walk a bit ago just to try and clear my had. Had an early night and have eaten well this morning. Taking all precautions haha.

03-07-10, 14:06
Hope all goes well on your first day.

I started my job Wednesday just gone (haven't worked for 9 years due to having kids) on the Tuesday I was so worked up my anxiety was high had a really tight chest and felt I couldn't breath properly but come Wednesday morning I had nothing I felt very calm and touch wood I have felt normal since then, am hoping it stays that way.

I think going back to work for me has helped me with my anxiety.

Sorry it was not much help to you but just wanted you to know my experience about going back to work.

05-07-10, 16:20
First two shifts went fine. Feels nice to be back actually working and earning a bit of cash on the side.

Made a few mistakes but I suppose thats always gonna happen in the first few days.

Hopefully I can keep it up :)

05-07-10, 17:24
Great stuff Kieran!!

Just remember mistakes are common, I've been working at my current place for a long time and they still slip in. Your human.

I always say as long as your honest, maintain integrity and work hard you've given yourself a good foundation to build on.

Chuffed for you mate and long may it continue.
