View Full Version : allo from Gina :-)

02-07-10, 21:55
Hi Everyone!

My name is Gina, I'm in my twenties and I've had panic attacks since I was about 12, and social anxiety which came on a few years later. I've had a bit of counselling but I've mostly managed my attacks by researching my condition and avoiding things that terrify me but also challenging myself to do things that I find a bit scary so that I can gradually build my confidence. This has proved successful so far, along with making sure I get enough vitamins by taking supplements, making sure I get enough exercise and making time to socialize in a safe environment so that I feel I have achieved something without scarring myself for life!

Nice to meet you all and I'll hopefully chat with some of you after 5 days :-) x

02-07-10, 22:01
Hi Gina,
welcome! You are in good company here! Good to meet you

02-07-10, 22:02
Hi Shamone

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
02-07-10, 22:04
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

margaret jones
02-07-10, 22:10
Hi Gina welcome this site is great see you in chat maybe

02-07-10, 23:21
Thanks for all the lovely welcomes! I've had a browse around and I'm really impressed by the amount of useful information for anxiety sufferers here. I'm especially encouraged by the mention of homeopathy as I have found this very helpful myself and so many people are quick to to dismiss things like that as quakery these days, which is a shame because it can be very beneficial.