View Full Version : ANother new member saying hi

16-02-06, 11:36
Firstly, just want to say how great it is to find this forum and to realise that what I'm experiencing isn't unique! Hello to you all......

I'm 35 years old, married with 3 children. I guess I've been getting panic attacks for about 2 years now but within the last 6 months they have got progressively worse :(

I have two comfort zone, my business and my home.. inside these I'm generally fine but the problems arise when I have to venture out, be it to the shops, to drop kids off at friends, out for dinner etc etc.. I'm sure you all know where I'm coming from!

I've dabbled with some hypnotherapy but I didn't find it a help, it may of been the fact the the hypnotherapist wasn't up to the task (I just don't know) or I wasn't willing to succumb to it, I would be interested in anyone elses experiences there...

The bottom line is that it is really effecting how I live my day to day life and it is really getting me down! I just want to be 'normal' again I guess and it's now hard to remember exactly what that is like.. my wife really doesn't understand what I'm going through and her answer is that 'I need to pull myself together' which as you all know, isn't too constructive when you are in the middle of an attack! It also doesn't help when she books me in for dinner parties and nights out! :(

So, that's me.. like I said, it's a revelation to find this site and I hope I can chat to a few of you and share our experiences and feelings and hopefully work together to beat this awful 'disease'...

Warm wishes,


Sue K with 5
16-02-06, 11:40
Hi Composure

Welcome to NMP! Your right the saying " pull yourself together " is all too a familiar phrase used by people who have no idea what panic and anxiety is like.

If it were that simple we would not be on here. I now have CBT for my agoraphobia which is helping Immensly. Use this site as your guide to the support and help you can get from other sources and dont give up. This can get better for you and your certainly amonst friends now.

Take care for now

Sue with 5


16-02-06, 11:55
Hi Lucy and Sue, how great to receive replies within minutes of posting!

I can see this site being at the top of my favourites from now on :)


16-02-06, 12:16
Ah, yes... forgot to mention I own a club amongst other things! Without blowing my own trumpet (oh I hate that phrase!) I am pretty successful in business and it makes understanding what I'm going through even more difficult.

I can run half a dozen businesses and manage 40 staff but I can't queue up in a supermarket without fear of fainting... [:I]


16-02-06, 12:18
Hi Dean,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

If only it were as easy as 'pulling yorself together eh!!'

Staying positive really is the key to beating the anxiety.

Take care

Trac xxx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

16-02-06, 12:59
hi dean
welcome to this site
take care denisexxx


16-02-06, 13:09
Hi there Composure,

I'd just like to start by saying that by being married, having three children and running half a dozen businesses can be fairly stressful I would have thought. And we all know stress plays a huge roll in anxiety. Although Im no entrepanaur I have worked for the same business for ten years and almost ran it single handedly at times. (You'd have swore I was the boss). I think it's maybe a case of finding a balance between work and pleasure. That was what I found really difficult. It was WORK WORK WORK on my mind all of the time. You may laugh at this but I would wake up in the middle of the night sometimes worrying that I had forgotten to order a certain product for delivery to a customer the next day. You mentioned that you had two comfort zones which are your business and your home, well that was the exact case for me. It's so easy to hide your anxiety by burying your head in work to cover up the underlying problems that are causing the anxiety. Like the above posts say, I think you will find the site useful and good luck on overcome this anxiety.

16-02-06, 13:31
Hi Denise and thanks for the warm welcome x

Anxiety26, I've often thought that the stress of work could be a big factor but I don't know it any other way and now, like you say, burying myself in it helps me forget the anxiety etc felt by doing 'other' day to day things... having said that, I have a house in France where I retreat to for the summer and while there, yes, things do calm down a little (but not completely I hasten to add!)....


16-02-06, 13:40
Gee whizz mate,

I just visited your homepage. That sort of work is enough to get anyones heart pumping. Hope you did'nt think my advice was in favour of maybe getting some free tickets to your club!!! :)


p.s what are my chances??? :) Kiddin!!!

16-02-06, 13:45
Hi Dean


Would it help your wife to understand if she read the posts on here? Maybe then she will see that by saying 'Pull yourself together' is not that easy!

I'm sure you find lots of help on here from people that understand what you are going through.

Best wishes

16-02-06, 13:46
Hi Paul, to be honest after a while it all looks the same! ;) but you are most welcome to a freebie as is anyone else on here... :)


16-02-06, 13:48
Don't say that to Paul, he will be there like a flippin shot LOL

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

16-02-06, 13:50
Hi Trish, yes, after spending most of the day on here that thought had crossed my mind... I think tonight I will sit her down with the laptop and let her have a good read....


16-02-06, 13:55
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Paul, to be honest after a while it all looks the same! ;) </td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Yes, your right there mate, I've had my fair share of women. I prefer to go for the more Intellectual type now!!:D

16-02-06, 13:57
Paul, did we really need to know that LOL, behave yourself man, and go get a cold shower [xx(]


Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

16-02-06, 15:41
Hi Dean welcome the this wonderful site, you'll get lots of great advice and support on here!

16-02-06, 18:29
Hi Dean and welcome to the site.

16-02-06, 18:42
Hi Dean

Welcome to the forum.

You might like to have a read of the First Steps (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=firststeps) and Symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=symptoms) articles.

I've had hypnotherapy from two different therapists and I have experienced greater benefit from one over the other. So I think the therapist does make a huge difference.

Have you had any CBT?


16-02-06, 18:44
Hi Dean




When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conquers fear.

16-02-06, 19:42
Hi Dean

A warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will get loads of support and advice on here so stick around.

I had hypnotherapy and loved it - very relaxing.


16-02-06, 19:59
A big thankyou and hello to all those who have welcomed me since my last post.... quick question, would I be right to think that the forum is populated by a majority of females??!


16-02-06, 20:08
The latest figures are:

Total Members: 2316
Female members: 1465
Male members: 706


16-02-06, 20:21
Ahh, thank you Nicola! ;)

16-02-06, 20:35
Hi Dean

I tried some self help hypnotherapy cds by a man called Glenn Harrold! The one i used was for self confidence, i found it really relaxing and i think it did help take the edge off my panic attacks sometimes but now ive gone and lost it!.. He has made a few self help cds and im going to try his " overcoming fears and phobias" cd next to try and help with my agrophobia and fear of going out alone!( Has anyone tried this?)

If you google Glenn Harrold hynotherapy im sure you will find them if you are interested!

Good luck with everything and i hope you feel better soon! Im new here also and so glad i found this site its great!!:D

See you!!

16-02-06, 20:48
dean have you read claire weekes books? has your wife. it would really help you both

17-02-06, 09:16


Please do read up on the hoem pages here. Sound slike zou are onlz needing a bit of help as you are doing ok in the main facets of life. It maz feel awful but therealitzb is that zou are coping dailz at presnt. Thez wil have got worse as fera of fear kicks in. Normal progession if not stemmed.

I stonglz suggest zou get zourslef a few sessions of focussed CBT - explanation on the home pages. That will probablz be enough to sort zou out and get zou on the home straight.

Sorrz about he z's instead of y's. Unfamiliar Swiss kezboard.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

17-02-06, 22:24
Hello and welcome.

I also have 3 kids and suffer with anxiety so I can totally relate to it taking over your life.

This site is a great source of support, advice and encouragement and you are never alone, there is always someone who has been through the same feelings/symptoms.

It does get better, I promise.

Annie x

Sue K with 5
18-02-06, 13:25
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote"></td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">Yes, your right there mate, I've had my fair share of women. I prefer to go for the more Intellectual type now!!

He only knows two one is Trac and the other one is me javascript:insertsmilie(':D')
Big Smile :D!

Hi Dean

Glad your making new friends on here! Your not the only one who deals with life in the fast lane, when it comes to work I am on the ball, when it comes to going into a shop I am a blithering mess !

This can get better thought Dean, dont lose faith !

