View Full Version : Pressure side of head

03-07-10, 20:33
Has anyone ever experienced this ?.. Its 4 or 5 inches above left ear and feels like a pressure, ache kind of feeling.
I have tension in my left shoulder and left of neck at moment. Could it be related.

04-07-10, 00:06
Hi Zee

I get this too on my left side as well everything seems to be on my left side for some reason sometimes i get shooting pains also or it feels almost tender i also have left shoulder tension and my neck too all the way down my back so i would imagine thats what it is we should try to relax easier said than done i know hope you feel better soon :hugs:

04-07-10, 13:27
I get this as well and its due to 'sleeping funny' and being tense. Bought some new pillows and I still cant get used to them. You may find that relaxation exercises work.

04-07-10, 13:37
I have it too. Ive had headaches for about ten years now,not anxiety related at all as ive only had anxiety for nine months. but ive been for test after test for my headaches, they used to be so bad i would collapse with them and then when i woke the pain would be gone. this happened at least five times a week and it started to worry me a little but never have they found a cause at all and now they are practically non exsistant so dont worry too much about headaches, they are very rarely anything serious.

i now get sharp pains with my anxiety down the left side of my head when im really anxious but laying down and having a snooze or a read of a book soon helps it ease off.