View Full Version : Just wondering?

16-02-06, 13:46
Hey all!!
Hope everyones doing well today!!!
So I have a general question but didnt know where to write it!!
Did anyone else feel like their doctor just wanted to pump you full of drugs? I saw me phyctrist (cant spell!!) today and I have been of meds for a year and doing better than I was, all he wanted to do was give me meds- I felt quite pressured but still said no, has anyone else had this happen to them??
And also for any1 on here- does anyone go to a phyctrist? Do you ever see the same one? I go to a hospital to see mine every 2 months and its always been a different doctor!!!!??? How are they meant to help when they dont know me- its just the same questions over and over!!!

16-02-06, 14:18
ammeg that is terrible. good on you to refuse the drugs, had this happen once, to me they are the ones that just dont care.

try to ask for a better service. can you not ask your gp to refere you to someone specific, it is the very least you deserve to see the same person every time. i cant believe this, does this happen to anyone else


16-02-06, 14:33
No my gp wont refer me to anyone else! I have a consultant- who I have never met because he is to busy- so I see his registrars!! I really havent had any help of my health service, I hope no one else is having these problems!!!

16-02-06, 14:51
Hi Ammeg,

I think it's well documented that Doctors hand these meds out to willy nilly. Personally I find my GP is quite understanding with regards to my my anxiety but im still off work a year down the line with no real improvement. I have recently been reffered to see a psychiatrist (not quite sure what he can do, as I've seen one in the past and he just prescribed medication and signed me off as being fine after two visits). To be honest I think the help that you get from the NHS when it comes to Anxiety is rubbish. You basically have to do the work yourself.

16-02-06, 15:00
or is it just the welsh nhs???

16-02-06, 15:04
i have had really good service but it is hard to get the treatment you want. once went privately but cannot justify 45 pounds a session when i have 5 kids to feed and i dont work, only my husband

would like to do cbt but have drawn a blank so far. my gp is great but never take meds

i cant believe you see different people each time, what use is that

16-02-06, 15:14
exactly!! i have had a really bad experience!! I will tell you my worst visit!!
I went down and there was an doctor there (obviously) I took cipramil for 2 months and came off it becoz i put on a stone!!!! So the doctor asked me why I came of it and I explained and he said 'yes you are fat you should go on a diet its disgusting' and then 'its your own fault you have this illness' and finally 'you will never get better, I doubt if you will even improve!'- nice doctor there- so I made a complaint and of he went!!! Well done welsh nhs if I was suicidal i would have killed myself that day!! Unbelievable!!!

16-02-06, 15:53
I had a wonderful experience with my doctor, he was very understanding and gace me all the support i needed, he was really like my counciller! Unfortunatly he has now left my surgery and some other part of wales now has a wonderful gp in their surgery. Now I don't have a regular GP and it's a shame.

16-02-06, 15:56
Whre abouts in wales are you from Tara?

16-02-06, 16:51
I'm in Port Talbot ammeg

16-02-06, 20:37
Me is from bridgend!! so your only like 30 mins away from me!!!!

16-02-06, 21:30
Hi Ammeg

Unfortunately your experiences are not unique and medication is often an easy answer for the overstretched resources of the NHS. Psychiatrists often treat people by prescribing drugs and I've had these pushed onto me in the past, with no benefit. This was all I was originally offered this time by the psychiatrist I saw but I refused.

It is also the case that registrars move on very frequently which is probably one reason why you do not see the same one more than once and I agree that it doesn't help, as you spend time going over the same history and it doesn't allow rapport to build between you and the therapist.

Have you tried asking about referral for CBT at one of these appointments? I was told by my GP that she couldn't refer me direct to see a psychologist for CBT and that the referral had to go through a psychiatrist. I am lucky in that I am attending a special clinic now for my eating disorder although it has taken almost a year to get to this point.

The comments the registrar made when you came off the medication were totally unprofessional and it is good that you made a complaint.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

17-02-06, 13:54
Hey karen!!!
I have read your progress on your eating disorder- you are doing fab!! was going to write on the thread for it but felt abit weird since we havent really chatted much!!! I have done cbt (after waiting half a year!!) and found it no help as I had a different physchologist everytime over the 8 sessions!!!!! My hope for the nhs is gone!! I broke my leg last year and when they saw on my record that I suffered from anxiety they implied I had that illness when you keep thinking things are wrong with you!! (cant member what its called!!!), I was there trying to convince them for 3 hours before they decided to do an xray- just to indulge me- and it was broken!!! grrrrrrrr!!!:D

Ma Larkin
17-02-06, 14:33
Hi Ammeg, I was referred for a CBT assessment, suffering from health anxiety (convinced i was gonna have a heart attack and with good reason), the assessor said I didn't need CBT! I was mortified. I started 12 months ago with panic attacks from hell after taking an OD of amitriptyline which causes cardiac arrest, been on diazepam 6mg down to 2mg up until 2 weeks ago and before that anti-deps (clomipramine). I am now not taking any meds whatsoever, not even herbals. I convinced myself that I couldn't live without diazepam, but I ran out 2 weeks ago and didn't go back to my GP for another prescription, so you could say i've gone cold turkey now. I still get the anxious feeling, but I can honestly say that I feel better now than I have done in a long time. I think a lot of people take meds because they think they have to. I am living proof that you can live with this without taking anything. I have had counselling (14 sessions through my occupational health unit at work - the counsellor is someone I have worked with for years and I didn't think it would work) but it did me good to get things off my chest. She made me look at things in a different way and I finally managed to talk about me! Something which in 12 sessions of counselling I had never done. That was my problem! Putting everyone else first instead of spending a bit of time on myself and seeing the good in me, not the bad that I thought everyone else saw in me. She called me a whirlwind! Single parent, 3 kids, full-time job, extended family who piled all their problems on me. My GP did prescribe me meds, but also told me that exercise would help & CBT, yet the CBT assessor refused me CBT. I now have little faith in my GP. This site has been a godsend. Everyimt i feel anxious I just log on & answering topics completely just takes my mind off my own troubles and eases the anxiety, knowing that there are people suffering more than me or the same as me, even less than me, but it does work. I've simply retrained my thoughts without CBT. The NHS have offered me what I needed but its the experts who said I didn't need it so I do feel let down by it all. Still, I'm proud of myself for coming so far. Hope it works out for you and you get the help you feel you need.


17-02-06, 14:44
Hey lesley!!
Glad to hear your doing so well!!
I came of meds over a year ago- I have been on loads of different ones that dont help- I was put on the highest dosage of seroxat at just 16yrs old, which basically made me worse for life!! they hand meds out so easily, i think its scary!! Unfortuanitly I wont get the help I need, i have been referred for over 3 years and they havent done anything- self help is the only way to go in my case and its working 3 years ago I couldnt do anything now I can go shopping and go on holidays- i still feel nervous but i can do it!!

17-02-06, 15:06
I have just been reading some of my comments and i want to make it clear that its not like this for everyone- i am just an unlucky one!! Just wanted to say as I wouldnt like to think I have put people of in anyway!!!

17-02-06, 15:21
Hi Ammeg

You've certainly had some bad experiences and I can empathise because my experiences with psychiatrists and the CMHT haven't been too good either.

I am very lucky to be funded for this eating disorder unit, which happened because there are no NHS units in the area.

There is no need to feel shy and if you want to post please do. We are all very friendly here and I've made some great friendships.

I do feel for the first time in years that I am thinking more rationally and am starting on my road to recovery. If I can do it, I am sure anyone can - you probably haven't come across my multiple other threads on here full of negative posts lol!!

Off to buy some drums now!

Keep going Ammeg. You can come through this.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.