View Full Version : citalopram withdrawal muscle tightness

04-07-10, 06:18
I have been on 40mg of citalopram (celexa) for ~3 years. I originally was prescribed this for anxiety. This medicine has not helped me at all and the only reason I still take it is because the withdrawal symptoms are so bad. I constantly have digestive problems with this medication and I need to get off of it.

Over the last 3 months, I have gotten my dosage down to 25mgs. I feel more alive and a lot calmer now. My digestion has improved and the sexual side effects are starting to go away. A week ago I noticed that my muscles were extremely tight and I could not do anything strenuous as they seemed much weaker. Has anyone else noticed muscle tension/tightness from withdrawing from citalopram?

3 days ago I went back up to 30mgs hoping the muscle problems would go away but this hasn't helped.

so my main questions are. Has anyone else had this problem? and how long will it take for me to get back to normal after up-dosing back to 30mgs?

04-07-10, 21:18
My advice, which I feel may help, try stretching the affected muscles, 3 or 4 or more times a day, over a week, u can feel such a difference, wat muscles exactly are affected?

You can learn very easy muscle straths on sports websites on the net, eg stretching calf muscles etc

hope this helps!

05-07-10, 06:14
It affects all muscles. arms, back, neck, legs. I have tried stretching throughout the day but it doesn't help too much :(.

05-07-10, 19:58
Are you worried about the tense muscles, do they make you clumsy, easily tired, give u pains , or do you just find them annoying?

Half my problem was I was worried about them, which fueled my anxiety and panic attacks, let my mind send out loads of adrenalin and made them tighter, viscious cycle!

I'm not a doctor, but doubt the benefit of taking cit for years on end, I've read that other drugs can be used to help with withdrawl, and you musnt go cold turkey on cit, it could cause serotonin syndrome, watever that is, I would suggest spefking with your doctor about trying a low dose of diazepam for a couple of days. Yo help Untense ur muscles, he may feel this might help!

06-07-10, 04:29
It's true...its a vicious cycle...anxiety\panic makes me worry about the problem whatever it may be and this always makes it worse. I would try a benzo for muscle relaxing, but I just got off klonopin a few months ago after suffering with withdrawals.

After day 5 of updosing back to 30mgs....the muscle tightness is starting to subside.

I think the only way any of us are going to be free of panic attacks is if we train ourselves to not think we are dying when we feel uncomfortable physical symptoms. This is much easier said than done of course.

god bless

09-07-10, 04:37
Hmm it still seems like the muscle shakiness has not subsided even after the updose. It has been 8 days since the updose. I am extremely worried.

When i lift my knee, my whole thigh shakes. When i lift my arms to the side, they shake on the way down. I move my chin down towards my chest and the muscles in the back of my neck shake

I am shaky just while sitting still. This is weird as I am less anxious than I have been in the past.

does anyone think this could still be withdrawal!!! HELP!!

09-07-10, 08:40
hiya i'm off the cits now never go cold turkey i did still feel like crap .i found yoga really helpfull .dvd for beginers theres different ways of stretching drink lots of water good diet .its not gonna happen over night but please tryn come down of cits it messes with your body .i need to get my self more into exercise so i bought a rowing machine from ebay gona pick it up tonight !ha ha this a be a laugh :Dtake care

22-11-10, 02:07
I was on Citalopram for about 4 months, 20 grams a day.

After reading the stories online I thought going on it was going to be horrible with the initial side effects, it was fine.

Again I decided I was well enough to come off them, didn't bother talking to my GP, when you know you know ... went cold turkey, had hardly any side effects, except the slight tingling, which felt quite funny as much as anything.

So yes, I would advise, eat well, regularly 3 meals a day, and regular exercise, seemed to work for me.

I think too many people just focus on how horrible its going to be, and isolate themselves, and just sit in a room waiting for these horrible side effects.

Your coming off citalopram not heroin, it isn't a huge deal, unless you let it be.