View Full Version : Anxiety & Depression back, so unhappy

04-07-10, 11:14
I feel awful at the moment, my anxiety is back really bad and i think im starting to get depressed too.
Everything seems to be going wrong, i hate my new job, its cleaning but they give you unrealistic lists to complete and then when its not all done the manager shouts at you like your stupid. They wont listen to reason.
My neighbour is stressing me out too, her son is always at the fence pestering, wanting to play or doing other annoying things like squirting water in through open windows or knocking my seed planters over. Its gotten to the point where i dont go in the garden now because hes just there all afternoon and evening until bedtime.
My grandma is ill and has carers 4 times a day but the rest of the family will not help her, so it all gets left to me. I do her washing and shopping and bills etc. The carers are phoning me all the time, she ran out of this or that. I dont drive and am finding the whole thing an added strain.
Now i feel dizzy most of the time and keep getting random symptoms that freak me out, i have been to docs loads recently thinking there is something serious wrong with me. I just feel like crying most of the time im so unhappy.
I know im on the downward spiral to full blown anxiety and depression, i have been there many times in the last 10 years but how do i stop it.
Sorry for moaning on i just feel so lost and misrable now.
Thanks for listening

04-07-10, 11:57
Hi Sarah, firstly I think its a positive that you have recognized the symptoms and know that you should do something about it. I would say to make some time for yourself to relax and concentrate on you. All the daily stress' unfortunatley will still be there after, but at least you could have a recoup in order to better handle it. And as for the neighbours child have you tried to speak to the parents to see if they can tell him to stop his behaviour so you can get out into the garden as the freh air canwork wonders.
All the best]

05-07-10, 15:29

I too am suffering from anxiety and all I have experienced is that there is not particular time anxiety. when my depression was a staple and probably started years before I started having anxiety and symptoms with it but it was so natural for me I didn't even know I was depressed. Then once i took test and now i am feeling better.

good luck:yesyes:

05-07-10, 15:45
Yeah well done for firstly recognising that there are issues. If there are things that are bothering you, no matter how little, try and get them sorted straight away.

Obviously there are some things that you have no control over, but try and do something about the things you can change.

I have been really on and off with my anx/depression since January - and thats after maybe 6/7 months with no problems whatsoever. So I know it's hard. Just remember there is a light at the end of the tunnel.