View Full Version : pain in my calf, blood clott anxiety

04-07-10, 15:33
The health anxiety I suffer with is fear of blood clotts, I can pretty much handle it most of the time but today I have a real bad pain in my calf, it hurts to put pressure on it and to move my foot up and down, its not unbearable but it is panicking me, does anybody know what it would really feel like if I had a blood clott could do with some reasurance, thank you

04-07-10, 15:58
I get this if I have pulled my calf muscle just walking up hill or something especially the bit where it hurts to pull your foot up. My mother had dvt and she had very swollen and hot shiny pink leg.

04-07-10, 18:00
I havent had a blood clot but i can relate to your problem.
I constantly get pains and sometimes numbness radiating from my right knee down to my toes. It feels basically as if its a dead leg. When i get this it freaks me out and i start to get panicky and anxious thinking this is bad news. I dont know what causes it, even my gp is a little confused, and its all put down to the many wonderful sensations of anxiety!!

07-07-10, 08:45
Thank you for your replys, makes me feel better but I also feel like I can't breathe, which I do get, feels like I can't take a full breath, feel like I have a dry tickly cough and I have pains in my back like I said I do get these symptoms but for some reason they feel worse is this my anxiety trying harder to control me? surely because I worry about dvt's all the time the odds of me having one are very low...?

07-07-10, 09:25
I sometimes get weird pains and weakness in my left leg. but i think its from my fallen arches, flat feet.
make sure you have good supportive shoes. personally i find brand name runners quite good as i walk a lot.
well if you have a cough it would be hard to take a deep breath, also if your heart is beating fast from anxiety it will give you the sensation of being short of breath.