View Full Version : Anxiety Diary

04-07-10, 16:23
Sorry im not sure where t put this but if its on the wrong place please move it :D

Has anyone ever kept an anxiety diary before? like a day to day thing of when your ok and when your anxius and what you feel and what caused it that specific day ect ect?

i keep considering doing one but something keeps telling me not to, as though its a bad idea. im just worried that as it may help to write things down at the time of feeling anxious, it may not be so good to have it written down in case i read it and it triggers me to feel anxious when im not! if that makes sense.

just wondering what you guys think? should i not bother? im also asking not just because i think it may help the anxiety to write a diary but because i enjoy writing! maybe i should write a book instead, or some short stories focused on something else instead of an anxiety diary. im not sure!!:shrug::D

04-07-10, 16:49
Hi Jen2503, I actually think writing a diary down can help immensly, I used to do one regular whilst I was living at a friends more for the night terrors as almost a tool for calming down, as when you reread why you are scared it usely loses the sting... And i wholeheartedly agree you write a book, why not?? I've already started one, it was a story I thought of years ago and never got around to following it up, as I'm a musician I was always wring and recording music, but with the anxiety I can't seem to face that I've started writing. And this also helps me to focus my mind on something else.. I would love to read what you write, if you do..
All the best

04-07-10, 16:53
Thank you for your reply Martin.

I think you're right. i will write a book. i do love to write and i think it may help. i may hold off with the diary for now as i know how influentual i can be when anxious so im not sure about that. but i will start writing a book and who knows it may help me feel brave enough to start a diary too. :D

I will post it when ive done some! what kind of stories do you write?


04-07-10, 17:10
Hi, to be honest this is my first time writing since I was at school, but I read a lot of crime fiction which my story has comparisons to.. I find it good to get something positive out of my over active imagination otherwise it can become rather self destructive which I'm sure everyone on here will understand.. Good luck to you tho..
And I'm sure you will be able to write a diary soon enough. I hope you feel better soon

The Raven
04-07-10, 20:08
Hi Jen,

Go for it.

I have been down the anxiety-battling route a few times now sadly :weep: and on the last couple of occasions I have written down as much as I can about it all. One was a work-based diary to record all the good, bad and rotten periods (which I sadly lost on my computer) but the others have been public like on this site. I find whenever I write that I feel better because I have no-one to talk to about all this most of the time and by writing I feel as though I am having a 'conversation' . By making it public I know that others who may relate to it are seeing it which adds to that feeling.

I began my latest diary here when I was about to start my meds again (Cipralex/Lexapro). After a few days of doing so I had a 'eureka' moment that I could beat this without the meds and I recorded all those feelings again as well because a diary has to be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth or it won't work.

Now, incidentally, I feel as though I may need the tablets after all and so the diary will go in another direction again. The whole issue is all written down and all (I hope) of interest to other people who may have similar/different experiences and that feeling that you may give an insight about what to expect to others is very important. Every battle with anxiety is different and to me every story is different as well.

So a diary can be good for you - and potentially good for others. So go for it Jen. You are guaranteed one reader (thats me!)

Kinds regards


My diary of taking the meds/not taking the meds/taking them again (!!!) is at:

05-07-10, 15:13

I think writing a diary is a good.Since last 1 year i am too writing the diary. It influences you and gives you the information about your problems and with that you should take meds and test. This has become a more common illness in most of the Busy people today. The primary reason for this is Stress and busy life.


05-07-10, 15:52
Hi jen,

Yes I kept an anxiety diary and found it very useful. It saved me having to bleat on to my nearest and dearest for one thing. They were entirely sympathetic but I felt I should spare them the worst of what I was going through.

I kept a diary for years from when I was about 15 so it seemed a natural outlet for me.

I still write in it from time to time but not often these days, thanks goodness!

05-07-10, 16:13
Thank you guys.

Today i started writing my book. all about my life and whats happened to cause my anxiety. i thought maybe turning it into a book will help me get it all out but also make a good story! Hopefully lol

ive ordered a new diary, a special pretty one just to use for my anxiety diary so i will start it when it arrives. i thought buying anice new pretty book would make it more personal and mine.

I may keep a mini diary on here too!!
