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View Full Version : ms again

04-07-10, 16:28

I know this is a bit of a common theme on here, but I'm starting to lose the plot a bit and I wanted to post my specific problems and say Hello.

I work on a computer all day every day and a few weeks ago I got a twitch in my thumb. I consulted good old Dr Google and became terrified at the idea of MS. I went to the Drs and he said it's highly unlikely it's MS but it didn't really convince me because I'd already read up lots and knew he couldn't rule it out. I freaked out more than a little bit and haven't been eating properly, missing breakfast most days and struggling at lunch. It's really been ruining my life. The other day I started getting a burning feeling in my arm which has plunged me deeper into MS panic. I had a good day where I convinced myself I was being daft and this went away, only to be replaced with an occasional slight numbness and burning in my leg.

I've read various posts on here about this sort of thing but I still struggle to convince myself anxiety can do this. I also think my symptoms do sound like MS. On the other hand I don't think I would cope well with the wait for a neuro appointment if I follow this up with the doctors and I don't want to believe it is MS. I've been vividly imaging nightmare scenarios for the last few weeks, I really need to break out of this!

Thanks guys.

04-07-10, 16:47
i am on the laptop an awful amount in the day and it can cause all sorts of problems. i have pulled a muscle between my shoulderblades and the area aorund the muscle burns and itches and twitches and stings whenever i sit at the pc for too long and i panicked about this because i have a mole right where i pulled the muscles and i convinced myself it was cancer even though i knew it wasnt. i also pull the muscles in my thumbs and forearms after being on the pc. i still use the pc an awful lot so i havent learnt my lesson lol

but anyway what im trying to say is even though your anxiety is about ms and mine was about mole cancer, they are both caused by pc muscle strain and googling answers! believe me, i drove myself mad but i did eventually manage to convince myself it was just my anxiety talking and that i was fine which you will be too. rest your arm and try to sit in a different position for a while when using the pc. muscles can take a long time to heal completely after being pulled so it may be sore for a few weeks but its nothing to worry about. burning, itching and twitching is all part of pulled muscles. and stop googling! i know its hard. now when i have the urge to google, i come here instead. its alot better! x

04-07-10, 18:37
I get pains in my hands, my shoulders and my neck but this is all down to using the pc too much! Oh and being tense because of the anxiety oh and my kneee cos I tend to cross my legs under the desk.
Ask work for a work station assessment and make you sure you have the right chair, screen is at right height, sitting properly, etc.

but it didn't really convince me because I'd already read up lots and knew he couldn't rule it out

This seems to be very common amongst health anxiety suffers and is usually the result of googling! I've seen them get onto one diagnosis and no matter when anyone says, or any tests they have, they are convinced the doctor is wrong. The fact is the symptoms could probably be attributed to many many things, but could be something as simple as a muscle strain or upset stomach. Learn to have faith in your doctor, he is the trained professional!

04-07-10, 19:55
When it was just the twitching and burning in my arm I thought it could be down to pc use, or at least muscular. But the burning and numbness is in my leg now - and I had a burning feeling on my stomach yesterday - that can't be from the PC. If it's nothing muscular that only really leaves nasty things and anxiety..I just have never really thought before that I could create symptoms like this in my head. I have been really worrying though, before these symptoms came on - that's what's pushing me in the anxiety direction. But of course I'm worried about MS more than anything!

Rachel W
04-07-10, 21:55
If you are sitting at a computer it can affect your back, which in turn could cause trapped nerves in your legs. Get up periodically and walk around, take breaks and also try to sit in a chair that puts less pressure on your back and puts you in a good posture.

I also have had twitches, the first started very similarly to yours and put me in a downward spiral worrying about MS and ALS. I had all of the tests and I was fine. It is very common to have these symptoms and more often they are benign!!!

Take Care.

05-07-10, 16:50
when people have weird sensations like burning with anxiety, don't they just last for the duration of a panic attack or for a few hours? I've had this for nearly a week now and it has been jumping around, I really am struggling to understand how this can be anxiety - which is convincing me I have something serious :-(