View Full Version : needing support

16-02-06, 14:45
Hi Just found the bored
Feel very alone at times with all this
Just needed a chat with other going through the same. I suffer from panic/anxiety for a while now and am going to see a psychiarist soon. there have been lots of stresses in my life and my body now is reacting bad. I have the guilt thing about everything, worry panic anxiety. The things that everyone takes for granted doing it becoming harder and harder and it is so difficult getting people to understand exactly what it is like living in our bodies.
Just wanted a chat with someone else going throught the same as it gets difficult keep going on at partner.Also its not fair on him hearing me go on about my problems alot.
It is nice we have these forums to let it out
Anyone else feel the same.

16-02-06, 14:48
Hey opal!!
Welcome to the forum!!! I joined 2 days ago and have made loads of friends and its gr8 to know theres others like me- I thought I was a freak!!!! I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks 2!! And I would love to chat with you!!!! Dont be down!! We are all goin thorugh the same sort of things and you can say anything to us and we will try and help and support you!!!

16-02-06, 14:53
Hi Ammeg
Thanks for the nice greeting.
Hope to chat to you all. Its nice to know we are all going throught the same and its so much easier to talk.

16-02-06, 15:48
Hi, as well as getting great advice and suppost on the forum, there is also a chat room (which you can access on the home page) where we all have a chat, not all conversation is anxiety related, sometimes it's gets light hearted which is nice sometimes to get away from it all. People usually start going in around 7.30 to 8pm ish most evenings. Hope to see you there. Tara

17-02-06, 21:53
Hello and welcome to the forum :)

You are not alone here and I hope you find lots of support and encouragement!

Annie x