View Full Version : Can you actually recover ?

04-07-10, 21:37
hi all its been a long time since ive been on here.

after taking numerous pills which sent me west im now trying to deal with things drug free....

ive been now drug free for approx 2/3 months i do most things now without thinking about it.....so i suppose ive come a long way...

for the last 2 weeks i was back it was like someone turned on the lights i was happy outgoing with each day i got more and more confident....i felt back to normal.....it was amazing i could have done anything i felt so good

Then over the weekend it came back.....great...

ive not done anything to trigger it i can think of but i hate it.......so is this they way life is going to be now......ive kinda accpeted the fact it is the way life is and im gald when i do feel good.........

im doing all the textbook rubbish and i know im not going nuts, i just feel nuts if that makes sense....life outside anxiety is good to be honest but i wish i could get rid of anxiety attacks or whatever they are .....once and for all its a long hard slog........and i dont think theres gonna be a light at the end of the tunnel..... i just gonna have to get used to the attacks and in time maybe that will feel normal

sorry for the rant im a bit mifed

04-07-10, 22:39
hi carter i have just posted the same thing and i noticed you also asked ,, its a scary thing to think that i wont im glad im not the only 1 that feels the same hope u feel u again very soon ,,,,

take care lisa