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View Full Version : Getting worked up about headaches:-( Advice please.

05-07-10, 10:47
Right, quick recap.
I went on the pill in April due to heavy periods after a D&C operation to remove a pregnancy which never developed. I was told the pill would help lighten my periods, but I was anxious about the risks, so my GP put me on a low dose pill (loestrin 20). It has worked brilliantly, my periods are so light and I feel much calmer now about them.

My anxiety hasn't been great, I left uni due to alot of anxiety problems and since then being at home more I have noticed im worrying about my health at times quite abit. I had a headache on 12th June (I remember because the ENgland game was on, lol) it sat around the right side of my head on the crown, was like a brick rattling around and only hurt when I walked about really or a sudden movement. I panicked it was a migraine but my GP said it sounded like tension. I had no visual disturbances and although it was heavy and painful when I walked around, I didn't need to take to my bed or anything. Then 16 days later I had another bad head, this time it was on the left side, started in left cheek, over left eye, left ear and left side of jaw, later that night it went down left side of head at the back. It went after I slept, I nodded off at midnight then at 4am I woke up and it had gone. I saw GP and he said it didn't sound like a migraine at all, and he said as it swapped sides that was a good thing as migraines usually affect the same side.

My GP wants to see me in 6 weeks to see how many more, if any, ive had. He said as long as I have no visual problems then I can stay on the pill. He asked what I was panicking about and I said that I wasn't worrying it was serious, I guess I was just worried that it was migraines caused by the pill, or just headaches and I was suddenly going to suffer regular, just upset me, ive never really had them before.

My GP said he really didn't think they sounded like migraines. I had been fine on the pill for 3 cycles, then ive had 2 headaches in 16 days, surely if they were pill related it would have started earlier on?

The last 24hrs ive had lots of tense aching in my arms, shoulders and jaw, worried another headache is going to start. Does it sound like tension? My GP thought the headaches were just tension.

ANy advice on how to stop this way of thinking and this worry about them?:blush:

05-07-10, 11:29
No it doesn't sound like a migraine, being a chronic migraine sufferer myself. Sounds far more like a tension or sinus related pain,


05-07-10, 19:42

My shoulders and arm have ached all day, must be tension:-(

I am just so worried waiting for the next headache to hit, but my mum said today that they would be constant if it was related to the pill as I pop the pill daily, yet I am still worried and expecting another to hit:-(((

I wish I could stop worrying about it, I feel so stupid, I am not even worrying they are serious or anything.

Thanks for replying,

05-07-10, 23:32
Ok, can i ask if anyone else has had this.

Tonight whenever i stand up from sitting on the floor or my bed i get a horrible heavy pulsing pain at thd back of my head on right side. It lasts seconds, and seems worse the lower i am and then go to standing. My hubby seems to think that is certainly tension and maybe BP related?

Ive had this tonight along with a very achy right shoulder:((

06-07-10, 00:25

Yes I have recently experienced similar symptoms including headaches, aching neck and back and pressure above my right eyebrow and temple. I went to see a couple of doctors about it (pretty much the definition of health anxiety right there!) and they all put it down to tension headaches. I must admit I found this hard to accept but my doctor has put me on a low dose of amitriptyline which is really helping - I don't experience any of the symptoms anymore accept for the annoying pressure above my eyebrow but even that is not as bad as it was.

One thing I have noticed, sometimes (probably all of the time) when I recognise the symptoms I become very aware that I am clenching my teeth together, maybe you are doing this too without realising? (although please don't stress about it if you are not, it will still just be a tension headache!)

06-07-10, 00:42

My jaw is very tight? Like im holding it all tense.

06-07-10, 00:50
Yep, that'll do it! I just looked in an MS/ALS topic, freaked out briefly before managing to get a grip on myself and as soon as I realised what I was doing I could feel my teeth pressing together and my temple twitching. How ridiculous is that? Mere minutes after I had just written it down in this thread!

In regards to the headaches, I haven't had any since I started on the medication. I also find exercise really works in keeping the symptoms under control.

06-07-10, 01:22
I just feel so tense lately because im worried another headache might hit and im worried they are migraines:((

I do feel very achy down my right shoulder and arm, like a heavyness. Hubby says that is tension which then brings on tight head pain:((

06-07-10, 08:32
The other that will really do it for tension headaches is holding your neck and shoulders very tense - I do it all the time, particularly when I'm at my desk at work (in fact, I've just caught myself doing it right now :blush:). Bad posture will produces headaches very rapidly, I'm afraid!

06-07-10, 09:52
Thank you Blue angel.

I just feel so tense all of the time:-(((

06-07-10, 14:24
i always get pain around my temples and jaw - then i realise that im actually clenching my jaw. its easy to be doing this for ages without relising so every so often just stop and unclench your jaw and let your face relax and see the difference x