View Full Version : pill again

05-07-10, 11:10
si i started taking yasmin almost a week ago and so far no side effects - but im sooo tired. could this be side effect.
also im a bit scared to go out aLONE in case of dvt

06-07-10, 08:43
Hi bab

If I remember rightly, when I first started taking the pill it made me sleep really well at first (which was a nice change! :D).

I think the thing to remember about the DVT issue is that they're very rare - only 1 in many thousands of users will get one as a direct result of the pill. Which means that you're got considerably more chance of winning £10 on the lottery the next time you do it!

06-07-10, 09:53
and those that do suffer a DVT have a family history they weren't aware of or a blood clotting disorder.

I am on the pill, I have the same fear you have, but the longer im on the pill the less I worry about it.

06-07-10, 14:21
thank you - i called the gp who said i can stop it i i want (it was the gynae not the doc that prescribed it) but i took it again today and will see how i get on - although i keep getting throbbing in left arm and indegestion type pain under my bra