View Full Version : have you tried reading Dr Claire Weekes books ?

fretty freda
05-07-10, 11:21
I have recently looked into these books i found them very interesting has anyone else tried reading them ? if so what do they think ? could the techneques still help us today is the information still accurate in the books after all she would be aboput 110 today has time moved on and if the information is inaccurate would the books still be allowed to be sold today if this was the case.

05-07-10, 11:31
Dr Claire Weekes was an amazing woman who knew the ins and outs of anxiety and panic, her books are still sold today because she knew exactly what she was talking about, alot of people here have read her books and still refer back to them, some call it their bible.

So i for one would definately say read them,

di xx

fretty freda
05-07-10, 11:38
thanks di i hope she can cure me x

05-07-10, 17:30
I have read them and they are excellent.

05-07-10, 17:46
I read them first 25 years ago, borrowed from the library, and read them again a matter of months ago (bought them this time, to keep on the shelf in case of need ! :D) I found them as relevant now as they were to me then, and as helpful.

fretty freda
05-07-10, 22:25
but are you better? x

05-07-10, 22:34
The books are great, but alone they cannot cure you as such from anything - they are an aid.

Veronica H
06-07-10, 08:33
Dr Weekes was a physician and scientist. She was a fellow sufferer (nominated for the nobel prize for medicine) and really understood this illness. She took the mystery out of it, and devised a simple programme for recovery. I can't recommend this enough.( It is a bit old fashioned, but still so relevant).


09-07-10, 16:51
Am I better ? Not entirely, not totally.....but I didn't expect 'it' would all disappear into nothingness. Some aspects of me will always be part of me i.e. some reaction to stress and some anxiety at times. My aim is to live with those occassional blips, have healthy ways of coping and to not allow the anxiety to take control of my life. At the first time of reading them they helped enormously, they saw me out of a spiralling situation, along with my own strength to recover. That depth of illness has never occurred again. About 6 months ago I was slipping again, and had forgotten the messages they contained, by reminding myself I literally nipped the situation in the bud. I don't think books alone can not cure you, of course reading them is helpful if you need reassurance and as starting point for recovery.

09-07-10, 16:54
i think nipping it in the bud....i.e. spotting the signs and stopping it spiralling is the best things we can hope for really..

09-07-10, 17:01
hi there, i found doctor claire weekes a life saver, i always take her book with me, when i feel really anxious, she tells you to go through the panic, and then it wont mount into a full blown panic, i think with her books you have to put totoal trust in her, to get anywhere/ and totally believe what she says, it took me months and months of practise, to even walk down the road unaided. please excuse spelling.:)