View Full Version : Hi Everybody

05-07-10, 12:05
Morning all,

Will try and cover everything here, easier said than done!?! :)

Anyway, had a very mild and slightly uncomfortable 'pulsing' feeling/sensation under my left ribs for the past 4/5 years. It never really caused me any problems or panic as I only seemed to notice it when not doing anything. It was however a little uncomfortable sleeping on my belly which I now know isn't the best way to sleep anyway.

I played football during the time above but quit a year or so back before continuing with the gym instead. I went 3/4 times a week and hit the treadmill.

I then stopped going to the gym at the tail end of last year before proposing to my then girlfriend. The first three weeks of 2010 were the best of my life but then in the last week of January, whilst at a Presentation night in a strange hotel I couldn't get to sleep. This pulsing sensation seemed to now be further up my body towards the top of my left breastbone as well as under my ribs. I had this feeling, panic of not wanting to close my eyes for fear of not waking up, silly I know!

I spoke to my fiance the following day and ended up in tears. I didn't want to leave her all by herself if I were to pass away. Over the next few months the same thing happened to me three/four times before I thought enough is enough so I went to my local Doctors. He thought it could be 'Acid Reflux' and prescribed my medicine to that effect. I knew myself it wasn't this so decided to go to Accident & Emergency at a nearby hospital a few weeks later.

The hospital donw an ECG, blood test, blood pressure test, basically all and any tests they could do relating to my heart. Everything came back fine apart from my cholestoral (sp?) which I put down to lack of exercise.

Anyway, everything was fine after getting my heart put at rest so to speak until a couple of weeks ago. Whilst on holiday in Tenerife I had another 'panic attack' about not wanting to close my eyes for fear of not waking up/dying. Then on my last day, I felt really lightheaded which continued until yesterday with this pulsing now in my throat and head. I have only slept for around three/four hours in total the past two nights!

I have an appointment with my Doctor at 5:10pm today but fear he'll just brush it under the carpet.

Whats are everyone's thoughts? Oh and sorry for the HUGE starting post!


05-07-10, 12:07
Hi SidBurns

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

05-07-10, 15:01
Forgot to add, also got and have had a numb feeling down my left arm/shoulder and what feels like pressure in my head. Comes and goes though, bloody annoying mind you! :mad:

05-07-10, 15:09
you are doing the right thing going to see your doctor about this,it does sound like you have anxiety. if you scroll down left of page you will see symtoms ,,you will be surprised also how many people suffer with the same thing as you your not alone

06-07-10, 08:44
Went to the Docs yesterday and had a good chat for 20/25 minutes. He (and I) think my problems are anxiety based. It is now a case of sorting my head out basically!?!

Had the best sleep I've had in a while last night but where is the best place to start? He mentioned CBT, good starting point?



Vanilla Sky
06-07-10, 09:13
I am having CBT at the moment and it is helping me .
Welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

06-07-10, 09:18
How did you get into/start it Paige?

I'm also gonna hit Tesco after work today, get me some Multivitamins and some Vitamin B Complex. Again, correct place to start?

Thanks very much to everyone so far,
