View Full Version : OCD about harming/killingself?

05-07-10, 14:27
I am currently going through a obsessive pattern of fearing me loosing control and harming myself or killing myself mainly slicing my wrists! It was after I read something on the net and my friend talking about it!

I was wondering if anyone else has had this kind of ocd before and the best way to snap out of it :shrug: I have told my dr and she said encourage the thoughts but when I do im fighting them before I can!

Im worried about going out in-case i loose control and jump out in front of a car I wouldn't or anything! But the fears there like i dont like sharp things near me I know there all stupid ones though but the thoughts just wont go and there causing panic attacks etc because im thinking what if I do actually carry them out My washing hands was easier to deal with then this!

05-07-10, 14:32
you will not act on it you see god bless

07-07-10, 16:38
hi - i had this fear to some degree in the past - i used to worry about slashing myself with the razor when shaving my legs! your doctor is right - let the thoughts be there - it is not the thoughts - it is the stab of fear that accompanies them.

07-07-10, 21:30
I know how awful this is, I sometimes get thoughts about stabbing myself or my family and I know how terribly distressing it is. these thoughts are only THOUGHTS you know you won't do them and while I do still get these thoughts while stressed the way I suppose I've stopped them distressing me so much is knowing that these thoughts cannot control me so while I wouldn't personally advice encouraging the thoughts although I'm by no way an expert I'd just say accept them for only thoughts like watching a movie in your mind, it's not reality, in order for you to ACT upon these thoughts you'd have to have your will involved which you clearly don't by your post, you are very much not wanting to do what you're thinking about.
so next time you have a bad thought just say 'that's not ME it's the OCD putting those thoughts in my head and I don't chose to accept them as my own thoughts'
hope this helps in some way
best wishes x