View Full Version : I dont want to speak too soon but...

05-07-10, 16:17
My eye has been twitching today and i havent freaked out!!!!

No anxious moments at all since yesterday morning! now i know it will probably come back with a vengance soon enough but right now im so happy!

It makes me realise i dont need to be anxious! i can function without anxiety which makes me even more determined to completely beat this!

of course tomorrow i will probably be posting because im freaking out about something again but right now, i feel good!!

I just wanted to share my joy with you. Hubby has bought me a cream cake to celebrate nearly two whole days without anxiety bothering me!!

Going home
05-07-10, 17:23
Well done Jen and you just let that eye twitch all it wants, mine's doing the same and has been all day...nobody bought me a scrumy cream cake though :D

Anna xxx

05-07-10, 17:28
Great job. Glad you're feeling so much better.

05-07-10, 19:11
eye twitch will go soooo soon if u keep relaxing! well done!!

The Raven
06-07-10, 08:44
Great news Jen. We should celebrate every success!

06-07-10, 08:47
I spoke too soon lol

Well im not panicking about anything but i have that thing!! the 'feeling' that anxiety is about to strike. im not actually anxious about anything yet but i feel a bit sick this morning and i can feel anxiety creeping in from behid the scenes! im ignoring it at the moment because i want a 3rd non anxious day!!!

06-07-10, 12:12
Ok im doing well the 'feeling' has gone!! no panic attack or freaking out yet yay! lol

but i do have that weird 'looking through someone elses eyes' feeling! but that could be because i havent eaten anything today yet so im not worried about that!

07-07-10, 11:56
4th day without any health anxiety. granted ive had a few other probelms with stress the last couple of days but no health anxiety!!!