View Full Version : still worried

16-02-06, 16:44
Further to my earlier post on ectopic heartbeats I was just wondering if others get these on and off all day?
Today I have been bad with gastric upset and the wind seems to come up and im not sure if its wind or I am having missed heartbeats on and off.
Does anyone else have these symptoms combined?
I have had days where I dont have any ectopics so im sure it is down to anxiety but it doesnt help us worriers does it? I even looked up palpatations in the web which made it much worse of course!

16-02-06, 16:59
I for sure have had the two together. I think sometimes when my stomach is out of sorts, my heart goes into "missed beats mode" then I get them on and for days. The doctor says this is okay. It is so hard to believe that having so many missed beats is okay... but they say it is. I do find that when I am distracted they are not as frequent as if I am thinking about them.

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"I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, never settle for the path of least resistance... When you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance"

"This too shall pass..."

16-02-06, 17:03
I've had the exact same thing... they come and go and if I get a grande Starbucks then I really get them! LOL Sometimes I'm not sure if I felt one or just a burb! LOL
Read the section on this site about palpitations and stay off the web... you'll find reasuring advice about them here!
Good luck and take care!

16-02-06, 17:23
Thank you so much for replying that has made me feel a little better.
Gonecrazy that is exactly how it feels to me, is wind coming up or a missed beat? It has just felt constant all day burping and possible missed beats and of course once I was on the web making me worry worse the symptoms were worse too! They dont seem as bad as some people seem to get them with a big thump in the chest just like a flutter and otherwise I feel quite fit.
Have yours lasted all day?