View Full Version : Anxiety's Effects on the heart?

05-07-10, 18:25
guys i need some answers...

does anxiety hurt the heart in anyway?

does it cause AF? (heart fibrillation)

are the palputations many of us feel harmful in any way?

im really worried about my heart iv stupidly been looking on google for answers and im making things worse...

please help i go on holiday next week and i cant let this cause problems :weep::weep::weep::weep:

05-07-10, 18:57
I don't know if i can help but i'm in the exact situation as you...i'm off to spain in 2 weeks,and i'm alredy getting palpitations thinking about it (missed heart beats)....all i can say is that ive had these anxiety attacks since i was 15 (im 45 now) and im still alive LOL,...the Dr gave me propanolol a year ago but im too scared to take them...sorry prob not much help,i just know how it can really ruin something that you should be looking forward to :)

05-07-10, 19:07
Have you been checked by your doctor? Most of these are very harmless, but it doesn't hurt to at least let your doctor be aware of it. They can usually reassure you that it is nothing to worry about.

05-07-10, 19:31
Have you been checked by your doctor? Most of these are very harmless, but it doesn't hurt to at least let your doctor be aware of it. They can usually reassure you that it is nothing to worry about.

Hi nelly and jo

yes i've been to the doctors i was put on a EKG and she said everything was fine but i still feel anxious about it all

05-07-10, 19:42
Hi, I have been suffering palpitations for over a year now, they used to really worry me and I would go into a major panic, a cardiologist told me everything was fine but I had the same fear as you-will this lead to a problem with my heart, I took it upon myself (because my doctor was very uninterested) to properly research palpitations and the only time to worry is if you are experiencing SEVERE chest pains at the same time otherwise everything is ok, and as the heart is such a strong muscle palpitations do not have any long lasting effects and do not do any damage. Apparently they are very common and nothing to fear although I know first hand that is easier said than done. Have a great holiday and try not to let palpitations dictate your life

And by the way googling makes us all worse....iv done that so many times

05-07-10, 19:59
This is a good cite for palpitations. It has helped me a lot.

05-07-10, 20:55
thank you i will take a looksie:D

05-07-10, 23:31
I get palpitations very frequently, more so when I drink coffee (caffeine) and am under a great deal of stress. At first they scared me, but by now I know the cause and "try" to look past them.