View Full Version : Anxious stomach

05-07-10, 18:54
When I have a spell of anxiety my stomach is amongst the first things to 'kick off' it's difficult to describe but it's like I feel nauseous but can control it to a large degree. Kind of like it finds things difficult to digest, also like the adrenaline rush from anxiety has toxicated it. Like everything else it gets better as the day goes on. Particularly during the day it limits what I can eat sandwich and banana for lunch, banana for breakfast. Dinner I can usually manage a normal dinner.

So was wondering is this a symptom any others often get and can it be helped/controlled/curbed by medication.

Seeing the doctor tomorrow and thinking of asking for something to ease my anxious stomach but know it is very much tied in to the anxiety.

05-07-10, 19:04
I have this terrible. I've lost 20 pounds through all this anxiety/panic because it always affects my stomach. More so the last couple of weeks. Might be worse because I'm back to work full time and have more stress or because I have to take vitamin B12 and folic acid and with my med phobia I don't know if they do bother my stomach or if I just think they do. I can usually eat better at night, but not a big meal. I am on a very small amount of ativan (.25 mg in the morning). I used to take up to 2 mg/day. Then that would help my stomach. I don't want to up my dose because I have done well tapering it down to just about nothing now. But - I do feel gaggy/dry heaves now and it is so annoying. Plus scary, because I really need to eat and gain some weight. If you find out anything that helps, let me know.

05-07-10, 19:08
I have this occasionally, for me its an awful lot like butterflies you get when your nervous but not a very nice version! it feels like your extremely hungry and your stomachs trying to eat itself. i dont take medication but i have used rennies (sp) before to settle my stomach and it helps. also tums (tummy settlers) help too.

05-07-10, 20:19

I have a similar problem. I have lost 2 stone in weight. But really don't need to loose any more. My doc was so concerned that he gave me anti sickness tablets. They didn't help at all.

So I am trying small amounts of food often.

05-07-10, 20:21
I know what you mean to a large degree about butterflies in the stomach but mine stick around for a while...grrr!
Jo, have you tried anything specifically for the stomach. I imagine the benzo worked at a higher dosage as it was dealing with the anxiety.
I'll feed back any useful feedback I get off the doc's but as it's linked to the anxiety I'm not sure if they can give me anything to settle my stomach.
In the meantime maybe one or two others like Jen have suggestions or something that helps them.

05-07-10, 21:06
What helped me was the eat little and often approach and after a few weeks I have been able to get a more normal pattern of eating back. I also discovered that I had an intolerance to wheat which wasnt helping with the nervous stomach

05-07-10, 21:23
The only thing that really helped with the Ativan at a higher dose, which I do not want to do. They did give me some zophran (anti-nausea tab that goes under your tongue) a long time ago. I tried one, but the ativan actually works better. Distraction does help. I also have to figure out whether it's just an increase in the anxiety because I'm back to work full-time or if the vitamins I have to take has also something to do with it. I'm thinking it's mostly the anxiety though because it has been a problem before I started with the vitamins. How much is 2 stone?

05-07-10, 21:52
1 stone = 14 pounds Jo.

Pretty sure your stomach issues are anxiety symptoms, pretty certain mine are.

Another thing that helps me is fruit, it is the one thing I can eat that my stomach has no major issue with. Granted the upset stomach feeling doesn't go or anything but I get some food and energy in me. Bananas are packed full of energy. Hence why tennis players always eat them between points.

06-07-10, 07:56

2 stone is about 12Kg. I lost it in just under a month. I think mine is anxiety based and I also take a combination of tabs which I don't think helps.

Why don't you have your Vit B12 by injection Joethenurse?

06-07-10, 14:24
My anxiety really upsets my tummy, not nice in the mornings! also i really struggle to eat anything at all. I keep a few slimfast milkshakes or complan at home as at least that gives me some kind of goodness when its at its worst!

I too, find by the evening I can manage to eat something very small, usually a bit of rice of pasta and some tuna or something. Anything is better than nothing.

Try not to worry too much when you can't eat as that will make you worse. Easier said than done, I know!

Much love
S x

06-07-10, 14:56
Hey I have a lot of trouble eating when im anxious because I fear that ill be sick. Ive lost a lot of weight since xmas, but Im slowly gaining weight again. Ive gain a 1lb in 2 weeks, so little steps :D Better than always losing weight!
My tips would be:
1 - DO NOT worry about your weight, all this does is fuel your anxiety making it even harder to eat.
2 - Accept youre doing all you can do at the moment and know that when youre feeling better you will begin to gain weight again.
3 - Try not to weight yourself too often. Set yourself one evening a week and weigh yourself then only. Make sure that if its not the result you wanted that you use the above 2 tips to stop it causing you more anxiety.
4 - Learn to relax before you eat. I listen to a relaxation app on my ipod before I eat.
5 - Distraction. Read a book, watch tv, play a game. Anything to take your mind of eating and the nausea.
6 - If you body scan (checking your body for anxiety or nausea symptoms) then you need to stop. If you concentrate on your hand for long enough you'll feel the nerves tingling, therefore thinking about your stomach will only lead to you feeling nauseas! If you find this hard then focus on your big toe or another part of your body that doesnt normally suffer any anxiety symptoms.
7 - Eat little and often. Get yourself used to the feeling of food in your stomach/throat.
8 - Only eat what you fancy and dont force yourself to eat when youre not ready.
9 - Talk to your doctor about Fortijuice. Its given on prescription for cancer patients. It has vitamins, minerals and calories. It comes in savoury, milk or juice flavours. So make sure you ask for the type you fancy.
10 - If you cant get hold of the fortijuice then try drinking slim fast or another dieting suppliment. Dont use this as your only meal, but in addition to give your body what it needs.
11 - Aim to eat a little more each day. Even if its just one more bite of toast.
12 - Write down what works for you, so that you can look back on it if needs be.

I really hope this helps!

06-07-10, 20:42
Great advice Vixxy, Thank you, I will try and follow it. Bit worried about weight loss as I'm a slim guy to start with, but as long as I am eating then i'll just have to not worry about it.

The doctor I saw today has arranged a blood test for next Thursday to rule out any other conditions causing the Anxiety/Stomach issues. Fair enough I guess, I'm certain it's anxiety symptoms although it can't be a bad thing to be certain. I have a needle phobia so that should be good fun!! Still guess it's a case of getting it done.

Is it normal to have a blood test to rule out any conditions? Has anyone else had it?

The tests they will carry out appear to be liver function, blood count, T4 and another one which the name escapes me at the minute.

06-07-10, 20:50
Hey. My weight loss was most definitly caused by me not eating so Ive never had any tests done to check if its something else.
I know its hard not to worry about your weight, im under 7 stone myself, so I can understand how scary it is! But since I just started to accept it, ive actually dropped my anxiety a lot and started to either stay the same or put on a small amount.

06-07-10, 21:20
Thanks Vixxy,

Think the doctor wants to rule out anything else causing the anxiety before deciding the next step really.

Currently on 40mg Fluxotine which seems to be helping keep me from being too low and depressed but isn't doing anything for the anxiety. Wondering whether a switch to another anti-depressant may have more of an effect on the anxiety.

Still one thing at a time, I'll have the blood test next week and go from there.

Anyone know if they can do multiple tests from one container of blood? They are doing some tests and I don't fancy having to sit there for ages. (did i mention I don't like needles!!)


06-07-10, 21:28
It depends on which tests. If youve got the blood test form, i think if the ticks are under 1 heading then it will be 1 vile, if there are ticks under another heading then that will be another vile. This is just a guess though!
I find that looking at the opposite wall and refusing to watch what theyre doing helps. So i dont know how many viles theyre using XD
I usually have at least one blood test a year, and ive had ones with about 6 viles and it actually doesnt take much longer than just the 1 or 2.
Im taking 2 anti depressants at the moment. I was on mirtazapine but like you and fluxotine it made me happy, but still anxious. So my GP put me on seroxat to take aswell, i must say the combination is actually working for me. Since ive been on the second pill ive started to stabalise. Or you could try propranalol. I find that takes the edge off a lot of my anxiety.

06-07-10, 21:33
Thanks for the feedback Vixxy.

Much Appreciated. We'll see what happens closer to the time I guess. It's one form with all the tests written in one box, but we'll see closer to the time I guess. 1 or 5 viles I'll still be anxious as hell :o/ so i'll go with the flow and distract myself as much as possible.

07-07-10, 00:57
I don't take the B12 injections because I can absorb the oral B12.

07-07-10, 07:13

I had loads of blood tests to rule out things when I couldn't eat. Its quite common as its not always clear that anxiety is causing the problem. Sometimes I have up to 8 viles of blood and when this happens I always ask for a biscuit and cup of tea. Never get it.

I had a B12 problem in my 2nd and 3rd Pregnancy and I was given B12 injections every month. Thank goodness it sorted itself out afterwards. I now have a Vit D problem and my thyroid man wanted me to have a Vit D injection, but my Doc won't give it so I am on tablets for the time being.

07-07-10, 10:55
Try to take someone with you Jeb and have them stand on the other side so that you just face them and talk.