View Full Version : feel like i was run over

16-02-06, 17:28
I am so nervous. I have a symptom that I have never experienced. For the past two days, my entire body has been aching. My fingers feel very tight and stiff, and everything from head to toe aches. I am terrrified it is some sort of disease. I am also freezing cold, even though the house is reading a very warm temp. My back is totally stiff and achey. I am so nervous this is more than just anxiety. There is no logical reason for this, I have not done anything new or different.

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"I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, never settle for the path of least resistance... When you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance"

"This too shall pass..."

16-02-06, 17:34

Maybe if you were to think back in the past 7 days and try to remember out of those days how many were filled with some sort of anxiety you would find your reason as to why the achiness.
When we are anxious we tend to tense up. Fingers, toes, hands, feet, etc. It truly affects everything!
Try not to think of it as some horrible illness and that's why you are having the aches. It's a familiar friend for a lot of us "anxiety".

Take care,

16-02-06, 17:42
i have had really severe back pain for weeks now. a new symptom which is just wonderful,lol

i have many days where my whole body aches esp on the whole way down my left hand side. i fear i will not make it up the stairs again i am so achey and sore.

new symptoms are soooo scary and after 4 years i am still gettin freaked out by new ones so you are not alone. try to give it little attention, read claire weekes, and if you succeed in doin this tell me how
take care

17-02-06, 21:59
I always ache when I have been tense and I get cold very easily but when I am anxious I am tired and run down and my body doesn't cope so well.

I know it's easier said thatn done but try to relax :)

There's also the possibility you are getting a cold - I had this a couple of weeks ago and I felt achey and fluey and I always find the symptoms very similar to panic.

Take it easy and I hope it passes soon.

Annie x

19-02-06, 09:52
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">
Maybe if you were to think back in the past 7 days and try to remember out of those days how many were filled with some sort of anxiety you would find your reason as to why the achiness.
When we are anxious we tend to tense up. Fingers, toes, hands, feet, etc. It truly affects everything!
Try not to think of it as some horrible illness and that's why you are having the aches. It's a familiar friend for a lot of us "anxiety".
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Im glad I've come across this post. I've been waking up in the mornings feeling really achy all over, especially this morning, and looking back to yesterday I was feeling tense and anxious for the most of the day. Is'nt it funny how anxiety can effect us in all sorts of ways.