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05-07-10, 18:56

I've been trying to make sense of what is happening to me and have been using the
internet to try and do so. I have to say this forum and website looks like one of the
best from the threads I've browsed through prior to joining up.

A bit about me and why I'm here;

Five years ago I caught Chicken Pox off of my Children having not had it myself as a

I had a rare complication to them in that the virus went for my heart. The upshot was
that in late June 2005 one very hot Saturday afternoon I was on the sofa feeling
dreadful with chickenpox. I had what my Wife described as somekind of fit. It wasn't,
and unknown to me, it was a heart attack! I sort of snapped out of it.
In typical bloke fashion I said I was ok but the Wife insisted that an ambulance was

Paramedic arrived and insisted that I go in for observation for the night and had
called for an ambulance to take me there despite my further protests that I didn't
want to go. Whilst waiting for the ambulance I went up stairs, had a wash, brushed my
teeth and got a few things things together. Walked out to the ambulance and got in.
On route I felt 'dizzy' and next thing I know is when I come round in A&E to a doctor
who immediately said that I had gone into cardiac arrest and had to be de-fibbed back.
Not good news at the age of 35 with a young family!

In A&E that day it happened twice more and an both ocassions I thought my time was up.
They didn't know what was happening to me but pumped me full of god knows what drugs
which luckily worked!

In all I spent three weeks in hospital in isolation, the first week in intensive care.
I was fully conscious throught my visit and when out of ICU I was in a room on my own
for days on end. Not nice.

Got out of hospital and got on with life. I obviously went back for regular at first
checkups which became every three months, six months etc. On each checkup I've always
had the all clear with no lasting damage done. I'd not had a checkup for about three
years. I obviously think and thought about how lucky I was being in the right place at
the right time (Ambulance & A&E!) and think about what if the Wife had gone shopping
in the afternoon (when it happened) instead of the morning etc etc. But I've just got
on with things.

Before, during and until recently I simply didn't "get" what a panic attack was about!
Fast forward five years to early June this year.

Came out of a meeting, not a taxing meeting, just had some good news about a new job
assignment / transfer in work so wasn't stressed, all routine. A few minutes after
walking through the office I collapsed / fainted. Milliseconds later I was up on my
feet and milliseconds after that my mind was going into overdrive with me thinking
that the events of five previously were about to repeat themselves.

What had started to happen, unknown to me at the time, was me having a panick attack.
I asked for an ambulance to be called. In the intervening ten minutes as a lot of you
will know, I went into meltdown! Totally and utterly hyperventilated with all the
inherant side effects of dizzyness, tingling limbs etc. I was terrified and was again
convinced my time as up.

Paramedic arrived, obviously recognised the symptoms and started to talk me down
whilst doing every test going including an ECG. All test clear, nothing wrong with me,
but why was I feeling like that?

Went to the GP who said that I simply had fainted and that it can happen to anyone at
any time without reason and to those who have never ever fainted before (I hadn't) and
who probably won't ever again. She could not explain it and also did a few tests and
gave me the 'all clear' but said to come back in a week or so.

Off I went, without a second thought or a worry in my normal no-nonsense way.
A week after I took the kids camping on my own durring half term, Wife at work back
home. Got to the site, tent up and then set off to the supermarket to get some
supplies. In there it happened; sudden anxiety, dizzyness, detachment. I wanted to get
out of there, there and then. I somehow managed to keep it all together as the kids
were there, paid and we left back to the campsite.

That experience really shook me up as I didn't at that time have any idea what was
going on with me. I was in two minds about packing up and coming home there and then
but decided against it as it was geting late and we were over 100 miles from home.
Not the best night I've ever spent under canvas as my anxiety was building up big

Next day came home early to the disappointment of the boys and I managed to get an
emergency appointment with the GP. With the kids in the waiting room it happened
again, panick attack although I didn't know it. The GP talked me down there and then
and then explained it all i.e. panick attacks and that I'd just suffered one.
Still really on edge we discussed the options of what to do as I was worried about
being able to get the kids home and she prescribed some drugs and told me I needed to
take one as soon as possible. This was contrary to what I wanted as I didn't want to
go on any drugs of any kind.

Bit tricky as I was still on edge but got to the chemist and got the pills (oxy
something pam?) and took one. Made no difference at all to how I felt by the way !
Spent the rest of the half term week at home with the boys, no issues except a low
level anxiety that wouldn't go. New work assignment started the following Monday after
the half term.

First day at new job / assignment, I had to come home after a half day as I felt very
edgy. And I'm not one to ever have any time off work, let alone effectively on my
first day !

Next few weeks had been fine save for a minor esisode on the London underground but I
shook that off by breathing slowly and shutting my eyes ! (what a softy!).
Today out of the blue in a meeting had another episode and had to leave, barely
holding it together and I really struggled to get home on the train (what a softy!) I
felt like I wanted the world to swallow me up. I did get home (obviously) and did get
over it but sat here now typing this I feel very edgy again.

That is my storey.

Any thoughts, views and advice more than welcome!

As I've said, previously I have been someone who takes life on headlong and grabbles
it ! Not so sure now though !

I still cannot rationalise why I fainted and am having difficulty accepting the GP's
"it just happens sometimes" as it doesn't, not to me. I can't help but think there is
something underlying. I did have a bought of vertigo about 10 years ago but got over
it (no side effects at all at the time, just the physical ailment). A few days prior
to the faint I have taken the kids swimming to a different pool which had a really
really deep deep end and in typical dad showing off style I did the diving to the
bottom bit. I don't know if this could have triggered a minor relapse of the vertigo
and triggered the faint?
I don't know?

Again, and thoughts, views and advice more than welcome.
Many thanks (and thanks for listening)

05-07-10, 19:01
Hi Colin_P

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

05-07-10, 19:55
Hi, glad you found this website it really is helpful. Wow what a story! sounds like you had the most horrific time with the chicken pox and the heart attacks. It definatly sounds like you are having panic attacks, maybe due to some post traumatic stress following this episode triggered by the physical and emotional sensations of fainting.

I can completely understand where you are coming from with the fainting though. About 6 years ago i had a routine operation, when i woke up i had low blood pressure which a student nurse got in a flap about and then got me in a flap too (turns out it isnt a problem!) and then i was given morphine which i was a allergic to! I had to use crutches after the op and couldnt put any weight on my foot so pulled the muscles in my chest..... fast forward 2 weeks i went to the pub and was playing on quiz machine when i felt really hot and strange before i fainted.

I went to the drs the next day and informed them i had fainted but she didnt seem that botherd! She said people faint all the time for no real reason other than they have got too hot etc. Well the events after waking up from the op and the chest pain from the pulled muscles and then fainting left me convinced i had a heart problem and for the first time in my life made me realise i wasnt invincible as i had felt through my childhood/teenage years. Since then i have suffered from health anxiety, not always really bad but always at the back of my mind. I wish i could give you some amazing advice or be really inspiratinal like other people have a good nack of doing! But all i can really suggest is that you read an amazing book by dr claire weekes called self help for your nerves. It really helps!!

Anyway i just wanted to post something just to reasurre you that people do just faint for no reason, i can vouch for that!!

05-07-10, 21:06

Thank you for the reply.

The fainting bit, I'm still not convinced but am coming to terms with it as being just one of those things.

The anxiety and panic though, that is troubling me as I seem to struggle to control it.

Vanilla Sky
05-07-10, 23:09
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

06-07-10, 14:10
The anxiety and panic attacks are really horrible, it seems to just hit you out of the blue, and usually gets you when you dont feel that you are anxious so then it is hard to believe that it can be anxiety or panic. I cant recomend enough though the book by dr claire weekes 'self help for your nerves', you can pick it up pretty cheap on amazon/ebay. Dont be fooled by the cover though, it may look out dated but its advice isnt out dated. hope your having a good day

07-07-10, 18:21

Thanks for the advice on the book, bought it today.

I've not read much as yet but what I have read is very very good.

I'll report back when I've got a bit more through it.

Thank you.