View Full Version : Is Routine Good or Bad?

16-02-06, 17:34
Hi there all.

I have just finished a six week Anxiety Management Course which has been good, if for no other reason than I met some other anxiety people who understood completely what I was talking about.

It wasn't an explore your past thing, rather a techniques to deal with anxiety and stop it taking over your life.


Well yes, other than it has left we worried that I am living my life by fixed rules and should I be?

My rules revolve around my night-time routine:

I always have a hot bath or shower.

I always take a warm drink of either camomile or night-time tea to bed with me.

I always read before switching of the light.

I must have background white-noise, eg a fan or my lovey CD of s mountain stream.

Do you think there is anything wrong with this? Or should I think about coming off these "needs"?

I'd really appreciate your thoughts. I was in a bad state last night worrying that I shouldn't be doing these and eventually I called my Hubby, who was in Ipswich, who told me the point of the course was to help not hinder! And if I want to consider changing my routine to think about it when I'm more relaxed. Helped me put my thoughts into perspective!

What do you think?

Dusty xx

PS I have some good hand-outs from the Occupational THerapist on Cognitive side of anxiety and questions to ask yourself to aid thinking positively. Would people be interested in me posting these?

PMS - Proof that God must be a man!

16-02-06, 17:38
I think your routine sounds great. I do not think there is anything wrong with doing those things at all. Think of it as your medication. You are doing it now to help you through a difficult time. The anxiety will ease, and you wont need to do it anymore. You are still in control, and you are chosing to do things that help you relax. I think thats great! In fact, I may steal your routine!

__________________________________________________ __________________________________
"I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, never settle for the path of least resistance... When you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance"

"This too shall pass..."

16-02-06, 18:54
Hi Dusty

I did an Anxiety Management Course a few years back and found all the advice I got there to be extremely effective in my progress of this illness.

You asked whether routine is good or bad? If you feel comfortable with it and enjoy the routine then continue with it.

I went on the course as part of my care plan and I found the routine gave me some structure into my day. I needed this and it did help with my anxiety. Also if you practice something long enough your body will start to respond to that. What you are doing before going to bed is fantastic and will aid you to being more relaxed going to bed. BLISS !!

We all have choices and the anxiety courses will give you the tools to help its up to you how you want to include it in your life. But if its works then keep doing it!

Good luck and take care


........life is for living not just for surviving

16-02-06, 20:23
I am all for routine!

If it works then don't change it atall.

I too have a fan on every night for white noise.


16-02-06, 20:45
Thanks for the reponse.

ItWillPass - feel free to steal my routine. It works most nights for me!

Nicola - Oh Good - Proof for my husband that I'm not the only one who needs a fan - even in the middle of winter!!

Darkangel - a lot of the advice I was given I already had from this fantastic site. For me the best thing I got from the course was meeting people like me! We all bonded so well we have already arranged to have lunch together in a fortnights time and to continue meeting on an informal basis. We all agreed that as there was no "Anxiety Support Group" in our area we would make our own one!:)

Thank you for all your thoughts.

Dusty xx

PMT - Proof that God must be a man.

16-02-06, 21:07
Dusty - I can't sleep without it now ! It really helps me so yes mine is on every day of the year.


16-02-06, 23:14
I use a fan at night too as I don't like the silence.

I think routines are fine as long. Most of us have routines in our daily lives to an extent.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

17-02-06, 10:21
Bed time routines are good as they help us wind down and get ready for rest and sleep.

You go for it.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

17-02-06, 21:52
I think routines are good, especially if they aid sleep!!!

Annie x

17-02-06, 21:56
routines that help are a good thing. im just starting one of these courses next friday if i can get someone to mind my kids. not sure if ill get someone so would love to here the tips you were told
hope it help