View Full Version : Fears of death

06-07-10, 00:59
Hi Everyone I wonder if you can help me I suffer with fears of death and dying and I also suffer with OCD I worry about everything for A-Z and have done now since I was 7 when my best friend died of a brain tumor I am now 19 but it seems to be getting worse not better my family have tried to talk to me and help me I have seeked medical help but nothing anyone says or does seems to be doing the trick I am wondering if anyone on here have had the same kind of fears as me

thanks for your help


06-07-10, 01:10
Hi Casey

welcome to the site.

i have the same fears. wot kind of medical help have u had?

My fears are not there all the time. when life is going good for me the fears tend to fade into the background, but when my anx is bad then its on my mind all the time.

I am having cbt at moment and im hoping it will help with this

mandie x

06-07-10, 04:17
The same thing happened to one of my best friends at school and I still remember his face and how his illness affected him. We used to play together in the school football team and it was a terrible shock to lose him because he appeared to be getting better.

I sympathise with how you feel because for years what happened to him badly affected me too when I developed OCD. His face kept flashing in front of me and I just couldn't watch any health programmes without ending up feeling or being sick.

I still get health worries but I feel I know now how to cope with them. Firstly, when you see or hear anything health related that frightens you, don't dwell on it. Stop watching it immediately and get up and do something you enjoy to stop you thinking about it. There's no point watching or listening to things that frighten us which are beyond our control. We just end up worrying ourselves sick.

When you get intrusive thoughts, try to remember that they are just like replays of memories or thoughts being created by fear. They're not real. They're like having nightmares while we're awake so try not to take any notice of them. I know how difficult that is but it Is possible as OCD used to badly affectly me too.

The third thing that really helped me was to introduce things I enjoyed doing which I could look forward to. They help stop you dwelling on fears.

I'm afraid to say illness is part of life. I have no idea how nurses cope which is why I admire them immensely!!! There will always be illnesses but there will always also be cures but none of us live forever. We can only make sure we learn to enjoy every day rather than spend each day worrying about tomorrow.

I can imagine how you must be feeling though because I'm sure when I was your age I was exactly the same.

Take care.:)

Vanilla Sky
06-07-10, 09:07
Hi Casey , just wanted to welcome you to NMP , you will find it supportive here :welcome: Paige x