View Full Version : Anxiety about insomnia? Any tips?

06-07-10, 01:25
I've dealt with this one for a while, but now it's very important that I ask about it. I work a somewhat demanding job (that I love), but I need to be awake and alert. So being my normal anonymous self, I worry alot about not being able to sleep, and dreading the night because I'm so afraid of not being able to sleep and not being able to work. How can I get over this fear? It's literally causing me to lose sleep! Thanks,

06-07-10, 09:14
I used to have the opposite fear. i was afraid to sleep as i had convinced myself i would die in my sleep! so because of the fear i ended up causing insomnia but the one thing i found that helped was to try not to think about it all day and when its time for bed, read a good book that you can totally fall into until your eyes are closing by themself and then drift off when your half asleep already. it worked for me. now i love sleep!

but what works for one may not work for another but thats my suggestion. distraction has helped me so far with all my anxietys so maybe it will help you. x

06-07-10, 23:50
i have the same thing sometimes, its a very tricky one alright!! i try to go into bed, distract myself and watch tv for an hour or 2 or 3 until im so sleepy that im falling asleep watching tv. turn off the tv and hope for the best!

Going home
07-07-10, 00:23
I'm assuming that you can still function at work...you don't say that your work is suffering, only that you have a fear that it might suffer...and do you sleep any hours at all, maybe just one or two or are you completely without sleep for the whole 24hrs? Do you catch up at weekends or cat-nap etc? Obviously the anxiety makes insomnia worse and I suppose you know this already but if it helps, there are some natural non-chemical remedies you can buy from any health store that can maybe just give you a break from the worry of it, help you to relax enough to sleep and maybe get your body back into a good sleep pattern. One in particular over here thats very good in this situation is called Bach's Rescue Remedy and you can get it specifically to promote sleep. Its entirely natural and really helpful.

Anna xxx

07-07-10, 14:16
Insomnia can be a symptom of physical disorders, although for most of us it's the result of tension, stress and anxiety—and of course the more anxious we get about our insomnia, the worse it gets. If your doctor pronounces you a "healthy" insomniac, he might suggest some of the techniques.she might prescribe drugs to help you get to sleep.If you can go to better way take a test with the help of below given link.

Get Well Soon.


10-07-10, 23:22
John - work stress is very normal for all of us. I made a hard call to change jobs so I could have less stress. It helped me tremendously. It was tough financially, but worth it in the end.