View Full Version : i feel sick every norning

06-07-10, 06:57
hi everyone, for the last week every morning i've got up i;ve felt like i want to be sick,it lasts for a few hours but also need the toilet for belly ache too, just wondered if anyone could help thanks :)

jaded jean
06-07-10, 07:26
Hi Diddler.
Good old anxiety. Does the trick every time. I get it and no doubt a lot of other members on here do too.
Does it wear off during the day? mine does it is a precurser to going to work. or worrying about specific things and everything goes into.
fight or flight mode.

Take care Jean

06-07-10, 07:34
Hi Diddler,

I often feel sick in the mornings....find it difficult to eat anything 1st thing, yet before becoming ill breakfast was my best meal of the day!!!

Yes I agree with Jean its the pressures of work and thoughts of the day (though may be sub-contiously).

You're not on your own.

Take care

06-07-10, 08:44
I came here specifically this morning to write the exact same thread!! ive woken up this morning feeling sick, i have been through everything i can think of that may cause it, and no im not pregnant! i woke up this morning to the door bellat 8am, no one comes at 8am so i think its put me on edge. i also have a habit of getting too hot in bed while sleeping so that could be the cause of feeling sick due to being overheated. but saying that i do have an anxious feeling this morning. not anxious about anything really but the 'feeling' that anxiety is about to strike is there so im gussing thats where the sickness comes in.

hope you feel better soon. you definately are not alone.

06-07-10, 08:46
I must admit I was gong to chip in with "are you sure you're not pregnant" - but anxiety is very good at making people feel sick at all sorts of random times.

06-07-10, 13:01
I have been doing for a few weeks, some mornings it's better, some days I can wake up and be prepared to deal with the day but the past few days and a few days last week I woke up feeling really sick, problem is I tend to wake up then immediately start worrying, I go to sleep worrying, waking up and thinking things through just makes it all worse and by the time I drag myself downstairs and force myself to make breakfast I just look at it and it makes me feel sick, I try to take bites but I sometimes feel like heaving or like I'm already full, a lot of the time when I swallow it feels like I need to cry :huh: it feels like I've got loads of tears welling up and I just need to let them out.
After eating I get a sort of bloated feeling, running to the toilet a few times, after an hour or two I start feeling a bit better but exhausted from having sat around worrying and panicking but at least my belly then settles. I then try to get myself some lunch which is usually easier than breakfast, I stay quite calm then up until around tea time because I always worry that I'm going to have a massive attack and start feeling deathly ill because they always come around 6-8, I force my tea down and start feeling really bloated and ill, it's worse if people are around because I feel they're watching me acting erratic but if I'm on my own I get wound up, pacing, running around and inability to stay still which I don't think helps and induces a panic attack.
After that bout of panic I end up feeling tired again, it's a vicious circle and some days it just gets on top of me, by midnight I'm knackered and feeling like death and slightly anxious again :(
Sorry to go on I just needed a bit of an outlet and I get what you're saying.

06-07-10, 20:32
hi thanks everyone, it did subside but today its lasted all day but i've noticed i dont feel sick after i've had a loose bowel movement, but for a few months now i've had a horrible pain in my right side like a dull ache which worries me x

07-07-10, 13:59
When I was at my worst I can recall laying on the lounge floor at 6am trying to do deep breathing as I felt so sick every morning. I couldn't eat, had all sorts of weird bowel movements and lots of different pains. I am still suffering from major HA, but my physical symptoms have in the main passed (although they do come and surprise me sometimes!)

10-07-10, 16:40
I have been doing for a few weeks, some mornings it's better, some days I can wake up and be prepared to deal with the day but the past few days and a few days last week I woke up feeling really sick, problem is I tend to wake up then immediately start worrying, I go to sleep worrying, waking up and thinking things through just makes it all worse and by the time I drag myself downstairs and force myself to make breakfast I just look at it and it makes me feel sick, I try to take bites but I sometimes feel like heaving or like I'm already full, a lot of the time when I swallow it feels like I need to cry :huh: it feels like I've got loads of tears welling up and I just need to let them out.
After eating I get a sort of bloated feeling, running to the toilet a few times, after an hour or two I start feeling a bit better but exhausted from having sat around worrying and panicking but at least my belly then settles. I then try to get myself some lunch which is usually easier than breakfast, I stay quite calm then up until around tea time because I always worry that I'm going to have a massive attack and start feeling deathly ill because they always come around 6-8, I force my tea down and start feeling really bloated and ill, it's worse if people are around because I feel they're watching me acting erratic but if I'm on my own I get wound up, pacing, running around and inability to stay still which I don't think helps and induces a panic attack.
After that bout of panic I end up feeling tired again, it's a vicious circle and some days it just gets on top of me, by midnight I'm knackered and feeling like death and slightly anxious again :(
Sorry to go on I just needed a bit of an outlet and I get what you're saying.you realy do sound like me i thought was only me that paces like a headless chicken yet dont like evry one there either trish 1955

11-07-10, 09:58
I've been through phases like this. Currently I wake up quite often (typically on work mornings) with tummyache but for me it usually gets better as soon as I get up and start doing things (rather than stewing in bed), though yes it does also seem to be related to the digestive process, which can get really mucked up by anxiety. I get pains in my side sometimes due to constipation, or just general bowel discomfort (anxiety can make my digestive system emit the most embarassing noises - squealing and popping...!).

In your case I'd suggest being a bit kinder to yourself and make some compromises with your anxiety, rather than trying to force yourself to do what is supposed to be 'good'. Try a week where you only eat when and what you want to.

I read some advice on the web to try different foods for breakfast: rather than eating heavy cereals, one recommendation was to just have some toast. This definitely worked for me when I was feeling most nauseous in the morning.

I also went through one phase where I was so anxious I couldn't eat anything without feeling too sick to swallow. I just treated my body as if it was a scared stray cat, offered it all sorts of different things until it started to nibble. In that case, I found the only thing I could eat without nausea was wafer thin smoked ham! So that's what I existed on, until the source of my anxiety lifted and I went slowly back to eating everything as usual.

So whether it's ice-cream or rice or smoothies, give yourself a break and allow yourself to be picky (I also found I could eat quite normally when I was with friends, as long as I didn't overeat or eat too much food heavy in fat, which would confine me to the toilet as soon as I got home). Otherwise you're just piling on more stress. But it is also important to work out what is really causing the problems and actually try to tackle the real source of the stress, because you can't sustain this in the long run.

My tuppence, just to think about.

11-07-10, 21:57
thanks everyone x