View Full Version : pain in the middle

16-02-06, 17:47
today i have posted on all day fast heart rate
with this new symptom comes a pain in the middle of the chest, the pain is sore to touch and comes in sharo waves. it is scary and i would like to no if anyone else has the pain right in the centre towords my throat, right in the middle

am i alone? am i mad, hypocondriac, sick or simply another symptom

i apologise for 2 posts they are not very positive but i have days like this

16-02-06, 17:57
I have had the same exact thing!! It also came the same day as a weird/fast heart beat. I think because of the heart beat we get really tense in that area... and then the pain is muscle tension. I know it is so easy for me to say its nothing...and I know how terrible, and almost terrorizing it can feel. But I guess it does make sense that if we are worried about a certain area it will get really tense, and with the tension comes pain.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________
"I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, never settle for the path of least resistance... When you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance"

"This too shall pass..."

16-02-06, 18:57
really? in the same area that i have mentioned? god but this is a hard one to accept, it feels like the pain that will kill me it is sooooo frightening

thanks this really helps

16-02-06, 20:21

It could be acid indigestion. Is it more painful at night when you are laying down?


16-02-06, 20:35
yes it is. and i have not been eatin right. could that be this crushing right in the middle? really could it be this sore? does it sound familiar to you
sorry to v go on, just so frightening. it is sore to touch, would it be if it was indigestion?

16-02-06, 21:04
Jackie - I replied to your PM but for the benefit of others here is my reply ..

When I had it I was in so much pain that I cried. My partner had to sit and rub the chest area between my breasts cos of the pain.

It was acid indigestion. Is yours worse at night?

Not sure we have any posts on it as such. I will look.

Don't worry about the questions - that is why we are here - to help.

Hope you feel better soon.


17-02-06, 14:15
Hi Jackie,

My daughter Hannah suffered with this on and off for years. The pain would get soooo bad at times. Hers was acid reflux becasue of the anxiety. Sometimes her chest would get sore to tauch becasue she would tense herself up when she got the pain.

She still gets it sometimes when she feel uneasy in a situation but it passes more quickly now she knows what it is and her chest does not get sore anymore.

She took gavascone for along, which was given by a GP becasue she was soooo young at the time, which helped with the acid reflux, it help her at nights when she woke up with pain.

Its a horrible circal Jackie, anxiety, acid reflux, pain, more pain, tense musculs more pain. Then the power of the mind telling you it's somthing else, more pain.

Hope this helps Jackie, even if it helps knowing you are not alone with this syMptom.



17-02-06, 14:35
yes it does help even if it is through hannahs sickness

tell her thanks for helping me through it even if it is only through her story through you

does that make sense?

anyway its a horrible pain, find it hard one to cope with

17-02-06, 14:57
Hi Jackie,
I would get this every so often, but I've changed my eating habits and it doesn't happen as often. Anyway, I would take something for acid reflux. I can't recommend anything in particular but if you go to your pharmacist (or chemist? in UK right?) they can recommend something for you. Try not to eat too close to bedtime and try to relax... easier said than done. I would get it so bad when I was pregnant that my hubby would firmly pat (with a flat hand) like you would burb a baby... sounds crazy but for me it helped... I have no clue why but it did... maybe I'm a big baby! LOL
Sorry for rambling! LOL
Feel better soon Jackie![:X] I hope you find some relief!

17-02-06, 16:55
not ramblin gonecrazy just trying to make me feel better.
it worked. thanks you are all great.
anxietys great isnt it!


17-02-06, 21:55
I also get this - like acid reflux - I always have a bottle of gaviscon on standby!!

Annie x

18-02-06, 10:12
thanks annie. cant believe it causes this much pain

so pleased im not alone