View Full Version : Having a panic attack at work

Kerry B
06-07-10, 10:04
Can anyone help me please.

I am at work and feel all shaky and dizzy typing this at my desk but too scared to move please help me I am terrified.


06-07-10, 10:09
Oh you poor thing, try to take deep breaths, I know easier said than done. Have a little drink of water usually helps me. xxx

06-07-10, 10:12
I feel exactly the same today Kerry, I'm sat at my desk feeling dizzy sickly and heart beating so fast, it's making me feel so Ill, I'm determined I'm not going home in a panic but it is so hard to stay at work when we feel like this, I feel exhausted, good luck with the rest of your day try to remember it is anxiety and nothing bad will happen, it's scary Hun try to relax as much as you can.

06-07-10, 10:16
deep slow breaths and just remember its a panic attack and it will pass!!! xxxx

Kerry B
06-07-10, 10:21
Thanks everyone for your replies. I want to stay at work and I will feel the panics have won, but its so hard the way I am feeling now, feel liking running out. Oh why cannot get my head round this I have had this soo many times but every time I think I am going to die or something terrible is going to happen to me. x

06-07-10, 10:53
I'M exactly the same Kerry everytime it frightens the life out of me and I think but what if this time I pass out or I'm going to have heart attack this time, it's a horrible illness and tricks us everytime, I feel like running out to, I can't keep still at my desk and sure I'm going to faint or have a heart attack, but it's just the same old story anxiety making us feel these horrible physical symptoms. Good luck

Kerry B
06-07-10, 11:06
Thanks Ann and good luck to you to as I know you are having a bad day too. I am going to stay online all day and hopefully will everyone help I will feel calmer later.

06-07-10, 11:35
Well done for staying Kerry , we are very brave cause it does make us feel very bad, we will get through the day. I'm going to home for my lunch and then come back so I can have a proper break. I'm very off balance when walking to x

Kerry B
06-07-10, 12:04
Thanks again guys for all your advice.

Its now 12.00 and I have still on edge cannot seem to relax or calm down today and like you Ann when I start walking I am dizzy which is why I just at my desk and its really freeks me out and makes me panic more x

06-07-10, 13:02
For anyone having a panic attack at work, if you sit at a computer and no-one can see your screen, there are some good short guided meditation/relaxation videos on youtube, perhaps you could discreetly watch one of these...don't want to get you into trouble with the boss tho! I've transferred some excellent 10 minute relaxation audios from youtube on to my mp3 player - if you get breaks perhaps you could take an mp3 player to work and listen to them in your break, or lunchtime. Anyway well done to everyone who suffers from panic attacks and still goes to work. I had my first big panic attack out of the blue last year which led to agoraphobia, so I really admire you all for still getting out there and fighting it. You are all extremely brave people.

Kerry B
06-07-10, 13:25
Thanks very much for your kind words Sedalia.
Its very difficult for me to attend work everyday in the last couple of months I have probably had 4 weeks off, I have really struggled today, but I just want to be normal and go to work everyday like I always did before this dreadful illness tried to invade my life x

06-07-10, 19:47
hi guys i to get this on most days but i have to work through it im a gas eng so i have to be on the ball i just cant run out and leave a gas leak lol i know its hard when ur going dizzy and feeling hot but try to stick with it