View Full Version : I need help to control this tension please :-((

06-07-10, 10:21
Sorry if im repeating myself in places here.

I need some advice on how to relax a little bit. I have noticed in recent weeks I have become more and more uptight and anxious at times about my health, I have been a little bit under the weather on and off but I can't seem to relax.

It all started when I had a headache on 12th June (I remember because the England game was on, lol) it sat around the right side of my head on the crown, was like a brick rattling around and only hurt when I walked about really or a sudden movement. I panicked it was a migraine but my GP said it sounded like tension. I had no visual disturbances and although it was heavy and painful when I walked around, I didn't need to take to my bed or anything, it just really hurt when I made a sudden movement or stood up, my right side of crown throbbed.

16 days later I had another bad head, this time it was on the left side, started in left cheek, over left eye, left ear and left side of jaw, later that night it went down left side of head at the back. It went after I slept, I nodded off at midnight then at 4am I woke up and it had gone. I saw GP and he said it didn't sound like a migraine at all, and he said as it swapped sides that was a good thing as migraines usually affect the same side. He said they both sounded like tension, and to not worry as I will bring them on. He wants to see me in 6 weeks to see how I am feeling, see how many I have had in that time, if any. He said he didn't think I would need to come off the pill unless I had full blown migraines with aura.

I have been stressed since I went on the pill as I worry about DVT, but it is working so well for me I really want to stay on it, and I guess that fear of DVT is getting less intense the longer I am on it. I am now on my 4th cycle.

Since my last headache 8 days ago I feel very tense, my jaw is tense on the right (I don't grind my teeth but I must hold it tense), my right arm and shoulder throb toohttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/sad.gif I can constantly feel another bad head coming on, I know I am bringing it on but I can't seem to relax my jaw or shoulder all on the right sidehttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/sad.gif

I don't even know why I am worrying to be honest, I don't think the headaches are serious so that isn't my concern. I think I am just worrying thatthey may be migraines or that I am going to be suffering from headaches alot now and then they may take me off the pillhttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/sad.gif Which I really don't want because my periods are so light now and I am more relaxed, my bleeding phobia is sooooooooooooooooo much better.

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, someone please take this tension away from me, I have had enough now:-(((

I spoke too soon about not worrying now I am on the pill, I have some shooting pains in left calf and now im worrying about that. There always seems to be something troubling me!!!:weep:

06-07-10, 10:50
The later headaches sound more like sinus pain to me. If they start in the cheek or around the eye thats classic sinus pain. Ive had problems with my sinus for years and am forever getting headaches in my face because of them.
Could this be related to the season, ie hayfever?
Next time you get a headache in your face try pushing down on teh area and see if it hurts more, or bend over and see if the pain is more severe.

06-07-10, 14:11
Thansk Vixxy.

I do have chronic sinus issues, which had got alot better over the last 12 months, but maybe it is that due to the dry heat we are having.

I have slight allergy to grass pollen, so now and again do get itchy and sneezy.