View Full Version : Someone tell me I am not about to die please

06-07-10, 11:11
Hi, I have been doing so well....Yesterday I started to feel a bit bloated like indigestion. It got worse and I started to get a nasty pain between my shoulder blades and on my RHS. I have been up all night. Went to GP today thinking it will just be my gall stones. He took blood straight away, liver function and white blood cell. Said the results would be back TOMORROW and he would ring me if he needed to see me. Wanted to see me on Friday anyway and then said he though I needed a pelvic scan as her thinks I have a large fibroyd.

Now I have cancer of the gall bladder, liver, pancreas, uterus, cervix etc.. oh and bowel as well. So much for cbt counselling. My pain is worse when I sit down and curl my spine in if you know what I mean, cant put my chin on my chest hurts too much on my shoulders and RHS stomach.


06-07-10, 14:08
I'm really sorry to hear your news. I've had cancer and I know how scary it is.

Sending you lots of love and light.


06-07-10, 14:18
Sorry, if I mis led you it was my HA making me worry I have cancer I dont actually have it. (I HOPE) just worried by the doc.

06-07-10, 14:19
hey jannne your just catastrophizing im so sure you dont have anything to worry about try and stay calm

sorry to hear you have had cancer sarahcuervo i dont think jannne does actually have it she is just very scared she does though

06-07-10, 14:20
...Oh, lol. Well 'phew'! BUT, I still know how you feel...any lump or bump that pops up on me and the first thing I think is CANCER'S BACK.

My latest thing is that I am having a heart attack. Its so annoying worrying all the time!

Anyway, good luck with your test results!xxx

12-07-10, 08:03
I wish I could tell you that you are not about to die but I can't no more than I can tell if I will die today.

We could get run over, fall down a flight of stairs, have an electric shock anything could finish us off today we just don't know. But you know that you are NOT going to die of cancer today as you don't have it.

Keep your chin up and try not to worry.:hugs: