View Full Version : step families

16-02-06, 18:06
Is anyone in the step family situation. I am a Step mum and a mum, also with my Anxiety and panic this all seems very hard. I know Step families can have problems any way even when you are not suffereing from panic problems
I find lots of little things to do with this so difficult even though sometimes I look back and when I am thinking calmly i wonder why i got myself all worked and was so badly effected by things said or done. Just by being over sensitive with my Gen Anxiety.

17-02-06, 13:48
Hi Lucy

It does seem to make everything feel worse re the step famiy bit. i just seem to take verything to heart now I am having trouble with my nerves. I seem to cry alot even though i am not depressed just very emotional. i still find it hard even after nearly 3 years when my kids see their dad for weekends and sometimes feel very emotional. I do try and look at it as a break for me while theya re away. I am always trying to think positive rather than my negative thoughts but it doesnt always work.

17-02-06, 14:08
i am not in the same situation as either of you but i understand how hard it must be!!
My problem are with my in-laws to be!!! I dont get on with them and dont tell them about my illness or it will go all around where i live and i dont want any sympathy!!!! so I havent told them but now they are (especially the mum!!) telling people I am a bum and that i am stupid and stuff because my anxiety unables me from working!!! I did really well in school but they tell people i flunked out when I was younger!! Its making me more anxious becasue im worring what people are thinking about!!! anyone in similar situation? or any advice??

17-02-06, 14:18
I have been told i think too much about what people think of me and this shows in how I talk to people. Especially as i have had CFS for 13 years. I hate it and would love to go back to work. I am just not well enough also with the GAD even more so now. The CFS is something I am told i have not accepted even after all these years. Maybe all this thinking i have accepted things but really deep down i dont think I accept things very well and move on.

17-02-06, 14:21
hey opal
How are you today?
I really dont know any medical terms at all!! Sorry!! what are cfs and gad??

17-02-06, 14:26
Hi anmeg

I was feeling a bit better this morning but not so good this afternoon.
Sorry CFS/ME Chronic fatigue syndrome or known as ME.
GAD generalised anxiety disorder.
I was not good yest evening. got very tearful over nothing really tried to hold it together so Hubby did not see.
Feel like running and hiding at times.
Can you believe it i have started to feel shaky with the door bell ringing and the phone when I am have a bad day.:(
Have you heard anyone else like this?
So how are you today?

17-02-06, 14:32
Hey opal!!
Thanks- I am hopeless with the medical stuff!!!
I suffered from agrophobia for 6 months which triggered of the anxiety- when I was agrophobic I couldnt answer the door- i was to scared- I felt sick when answerin the fone I couldnt get my words out when I did finally answer!!! When the doorbell rang I would just ignore it- if i went within a few feet of the door i would feel sick and start shaking and get dizzy- so I know what your going through- and I got better so I am sure you will to!! Im in a good mood today!!! feeling very cheery and want everyone here to feel as good as I am right now!!!