View Full Version : Worried about tomorrow

06-07-10, 21:36
Iv got to have an upper gi endoscopy tommorrow which is going down my throat into my stomach, im fine with the procedure itself but iv worked myself up into such a stupid state about side effects-what if something happens when I get back home? what if i have a bad reaction?what if the sedation makes me ill through the night? These thoughts are eating away at me to the point where im on the brink of cancelling it. How can i calm myself down?worst of all its not until 6:30 on the night so i get all day tomorrow to stew over it-also they never sent me any information regarding it so i dont even know what to expect.:weep:

06-07-10, 21:45
Have you tried looking on the nhs website to see if u can look at the procedure to help prepare yourself. It is highly unlikely that you will react to the sedation and if you did it would happen when they give it to you or whilst having the procedure in which case you'll be in very safe hands and in the right place where they can sort it out quickly and safely! You must be needing to have this procedure for a reason so just focus on the positve side of having a very harmless procedure to help you answer questions.
If you are still worried about reacting or having side effects then just make sure someone is around, family member or friend?
Keep yourself busy tomorrow don't dwell on it, you'll b in safe hands! All the best :)

06-07-10, 23:13
Hi there I know what you are going through I was terrified the night before and I cancelled my first one. But I was in so much discomfort I had to have it done and was rescheduled, I went to my GP who told me to take lorezapam the night before and in the morning and 1 hour before which I did and I was flying!! I went to the endoscopy and I was honest with the nurses and told them how terrfied I was and all that stupid leaflet about side effects is not helpful at all. I told them that as well and they said to me that they have to tell you that. I took the sedation and it was great I took a few deep breaths and the next thing I remember is being wheeled out of the room and it was all done, I suffered no ill effects and felt fine after a sleep. I mean I was terrified and it was nothing at all and if I can do it you can i will be thinking about you tomorrow and praying for you you will be fine Gordon

06-07-10, 23:16
Thanks for your responses they mean a lot and do help