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View Full Version : Cats and weather conditions

06-07-10, 23:38
Just wondering if anyone's cats are sensitive to the weather? My old dog used to get agitated/nervous in certain conditions and I've watched garden birds behave differently if there's a cold spell due.

I have a little black cat who's lived with me for over a year (she adopted ME!) - moved in from next door.:blush: She was an extremely shy cat, didn't like eating in front of anyone and preferred to stay indoors. She's settled in here nicely and comes and goes quite happily. However, for the past week she's been acting very strangely - as if something is spooking her out in the house - wanting to go outside all the time. When I open the front door she looks at me but won't put her feet over the threshold! I have tempted her in with food which she has gulped down, then she starts jumping around all over the place and can't wait to go out again - even in the middle of the night. It's been REALLY windy these past few days, and I'm wondering if that's what's the matter with her? She looks fit and healthy and is eating fine.

She's about 8 years old and has been spayed - so she can't be expecting!

Wendy :wacko:

07-07-10, 15:28
Cats do behave strangely at times. The problem is that her behaviour is not strange to her! If she is eating and drinking ok and has been wormed and defleaed recently then I would not worry too much. I have a black cat a rescued cat who is a real scaredy cat. I just allow her to do what she wants (she is not allowed out a night) She eats sleeps and goes in and out when she likes. In the heat she just lies under the bushes and pants. She is allowed on my bed in the mornings and gets a lot of fuss. I am always calling her and stroking her allowing her to brush against me. I pick her up and talk to her ( they understand you know) I'm sure your cat will be fine.

07-07-10, 15:54
Hello Wendy,

She might just have some spare energy to burn or want to make friends in her neighbourhood even if she's shy about going out. What I learned from my brief spell of being 'owned' by a cat (until I got her properly re-homed) is never to try and figure out their behaviour! lol

Here's a little poem to cheer you up and make you laugh:

Training your human is a thankless task.
"Why bother with it?", some kittens may ask.
The fate of the world is the issue at hand,
as felines worldwide stake a claim for their land.
Make no bones about it, we cats own the joint.
We spray in the corners to drive home the point.
Some say the meek shall inherit the Earth,
But they've no fangs or claws, for what that's worth.
The cat is the ultimate species, you see,
We're poised to usurp man's authority.
These silly old humans who cannot play nice!
We cats are peaceful, we hate only mice.
Just what does training your human entail?
A host of fun things you must do without fail:
The sofas and rugs need a little makeover.
The La-Z-Boy's target for kitty takeover.
Then sleep on clean towels placed in the guest bath.
And make their best clothing a target of wrath.
Tear down those new drapes with a quick forceful tug.
Then tatter the pile of the new Berber rug.
And when they are sleeping, you block off their nose,
paw at their lower lip, chew on their toes.
Strut on the mantle. If they give any flack,
knock down their trophies and all bric-a-brac.
Shed on mom's new velvet black evening gown,
as she's headed out for a night on the town.
If they leave you home all alone for the night,
(Any human doing this can't be all that bright),
They're telling you by leaving, it's perfectly all right,
To totally redecorate 'til dawn's early light.
Knock over tables and chew up the fern.
Hurry, go faster! Soon, they'll return...
When they try to punish, you mustn't show concern.
(All attempts of discipline a pussycat should spurn.)
A snide flick of tail will convey no remorse,
but they will try harder to scold you, of course!
So, hide in the closet until they forget,
and then launch out just like an F-14 jet.
Tear up their ankle, their forearm, their hand,
then when they've had all the pain they can stand,
dart from the room while they call 9-1-1,
and celebrate victory: The felines have won!
To humans, however, the battle's begun,
as they steep in their anger and wish for a gun.
Pathetic and lumbering and clumsy to boot,
My friend, human dominance is really a hoot.
Take charge in your home. It's destiny, meow.
(The verses above have already told how.)
So sleep for an hour, and then grab some chow,
And then train your human, beginning right now.
Author Unknown

08-07-10, 20:07
Aw thank you ElizabethJane and YvonneBelle - I think you're both right - abnormal behaviour to us can be perfectly normal behaviour to cats! My neighbour, her previous owner!, told me that she was a "very strange" cat - she always used to hide in my neighbour's house and at times wouldn't go out at all.

She still doesn't want to come inside, though does so reluctantly. She's eating well, looks fit and healthy but, once she gets inside my house, she starts darting around. It's like there's a line on the front and back door steps - she'll sit there happily washing herself, purring etc but will NOT step foot over the threshold haha! She popped in earlier to say "hello" and then decided that was enough and wanted to go outside again. I guess I'll have to wait until she wants to come in again - there's no way I'll try to force her to do something she doesn't want to do.

I love the poem YvonneBelle - I'll definitely keep that one on my computer.

Thanks again both.

Wendy :yesyes:

15-07-10, 22:19
My cat is a stay at home cat mostly, until the summer when she just wants to be out at night all the time. She'll sit on the doorstep for ages and when I open the door she just looks at me. Even shaking her treats bag doesn't work! Perhaps with your cat, it could just be the summer heat that makes her seek cooler air.


16-07-10, 20:46
Thanks Dahlia. My cat has decided to come inside now and is happily sitting in her usual place! I think it was the very windy weather that spooked her out plus me de-fleaing her!! Anyway, she's here now so I can stop worrying. Cats eh?:yesyes: