View Full Version : fear of panicking

16-02-06, 22:00
i've read in a lot of self help books that one way to help ease panic attacks is to keep thinking that the thing you fear happening is very unlikely to happen, ie passing out, being sick etc, but what happens when you start being afraid of panicking and then this starts off panic attacks? then what you fear is very rational as it actually happens. does anybody else experience this?

16-02-06, 22:24

I too suffer with a fear of panicking. It is a circle I go round in too. I am being treated at the moment; whilst it is agreed there will be a good reason for my anxious behaviour, it's just I have been anxious and panicky for so long it is now the fear of panic that sets me off!!

When I have a good day/ week I am always aware, "not had an attack for ages when is it due? Still not had one, any time soon and I start to worry becasue I know it's comming" I always have them etc

You're not alone on this one....

16-02-06, 22:36
hi sarahliz
thanks for your reply
everything you said sounds so familiar, i've been anxious and panicky for most of my life and now its the thought of having an attack that sets me off, its a horrible cycle to be in
if you dont mind me asking, is your treatment having any effect?
i've pretty much dealt with my panic alone but lately i'm at my wits end and am considaring seeking help

16-02-06, 22:45

Welcome aboard.

Have you had any help atall like counselling, CBT?

Have you read much on the website here - that may help too.


16-02-06, 22:51
no, i havent had any help yet, apart from being on and off anti depressants over the years, they help at the time but not long term
i'm just looking round the website at the moment, there's a lot of good advice and i'll be visiting the site on a regular basis

16-02-06, 22:55
Hi Nicki;

I have spent time on medication, had some councilling, done CBT and just started phsycotherapy.

The meds, brought a welcomed break from the anxious feeling but life was not the same. I was immune to feelings and emotions...They numb the effects but I found it hard to deal with the underlying issues whilst on meds. Mind you I was on high doses...

CBT I didn't find very beneficial; I learn't lots but, well, It just didn't work for me.

So here I am now, 1 session in to my course of Psyc' therapy. I was referred to this by my GP. I went back to him just beofre Xmas, desperate for a break from the tired anxious feelings.

I'm going to record my sessions in the therapy section over next few weeks. I'm sceptical but hope.

Big hugs and thinking of you xxx

17-02-06, 01:28
Hi Nikki

Welcome to the forum.

Have you read the information in the First Steps (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=firststeps) article? This could help you get started.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

17-02-06, 09:46

Think we all go through the fear of the fear cycle at some point.

I got out of it by learning to dissipate the anxiety to the point where I was confident in mz abilities to not progress to panic. Others learn that having a panic isn't the worst thing that could hapen and so relax into them more and allow them to happen and just pass.

Its abit like atheletes, they know if they fall they have to relax as much as possible in order to limit the injuries they get no matter how scared or tense they are at time of impact.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

17-02-06, 21:48
Those thoughts are like a vicious cycle and the fear is intense.

In cases where you fear panicing I found the best thing to do is consider worst case scenario..... the worst that can happen is your fears are realised and you do have a panic attack, it may be unpleasant but it won't hurt you and it will pass - so you haven't really got anything to fear. The chances are thought that you won't panic and it was just your fear :)

Face the fear - it's hard but it works!

Annie x

20-02-06, 18:35
Thanks for all your advice everyone
It's all been very helpful and given me a lot to considar and i am going to look into what more i can do to help myself
Thank goodness for websites like these

20-02-06, 23:33
Nik it is the worst problem i have had from the start once i started panicking i feared panicking again and it got worse. It became an obsession and although i have come so far i still when i get anxious question my panic and make myself worse.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

21-02-06, 10:30
The worst that can happen is that you have a panic attack - unpleasent but it won't make headline news!!!!

:D:D:D:D This sort of thinking does help me overall and also imagining it as a wave that you let wash over you and go on its way rather than fighing it.

I tend to slump my body when I feel panicky and recently I have been telling myself to choose some other thoughts to think, that are nicer, as no one is making me think panicky stuff ohter than me!!!

It's hard mate and there is more than one way to skin a cat so I am gonna keep trying them all.:D

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

22-02-06, 18:15
Hi..I myself have PD, and I am also training to be a counsellor for children, and youth, and in my abnormal psychology class we are jut learning about anxiety disorders, and I thought I would just give sme info that may be helpful.
First, it is important to disntinguish between fear, anxiety and panic. YOu feel fear when something triggers that feeling, and so there is an abvious cause. panic is something that comes on suddenly. anxiety is from constantly worrying, and so there is a mental trigger for anxiety...a cause.
It sounds like you may be feeling anxiety about having a panic attack, which is normal for PD. Sometimes I worry about getting a panic attack, and I experience anxiety....but sometimes it can continue into a panic attack. Most of my attacks happen without cause, and are sudden...and it is scary because they can happen anytime...even if I am happy...but usually there is some kind of stress somewhere if the occur....but generally panic attacks can happen anytime.
Myself, I try to too think about them, and I find when I keep myelf busy, they are less likely to occur...and that is why for myself, most of my panic attacks happen at night...when I am not busy. But everyone is different, and everyones PD is different.
So, what you experience is very common for people with PD and AD.
Sometimes I try to use deep breathing when I start having anxiety thinking of when my next panic attack is going to happen, and sometimes taking a relaxing walk helps..getting outside sometimes is relaxing for me, and keeping busy helps too for me. I guess you need to find what works to ease your anxiety. I also take clonazapam only for when I need it, and if I am feeling anxiety, and am am busy, or I can't go outside (like when I am in college durng a lecture), I take one of my clonazapam pills which helps my body relax. I know another student in my classes that a\has AD and PD, and she sometimes has to leave class if gets bad, and she also takes pills if an attack comes on. She takes Lorazapam.
Really, I guess you need to find what works for you. Find what helps you relax...often the anxiety you feel when being afraid of panic attacks can be reduced.... just try different things....talk to your doctor or other people with AD/PD.
I hope that this has been useful for you, and I hope you understand now that you are NOT alone with what you are experinecing, and that it is normal for people with PD/AD to experience what you are experiencing.[^]

20-03-06, 09:01
Hi, with regards to telling yourself it will be ok thats ok but it doesnt stop the initial start you see your still telling yourself that there could be a problem and if there is it will be ok, your brain cannot register the words "cant or wont" "i wont have a panic attack" "i cant have a panic attack" " please Dont have a panic attack" if i say "Dont think of an elephant", you automatically think of an elephant dont you! the idea is when you start feeling like you are going to have an attack or starting on the negative thought pattern process, say to yourself " i wont feel happy" "i wont start laughing" " i dont like spike milligan". Another thing to do is think of someone that really really makes you laugh, i use avid marrions impression of scary spice saying" ohh you complete set of ba***ds ya, you feel panicky dont ya oohhh?" that way your brain does not know how to associate negative thinking with a comedy voice it recognises, it actually uses a different part of your brain and just dismisses it! sounds silly but id rather feel silly and make myself laugh than go through that. Even if it helps have one less attack its worked ;) then start using it all the time have confidence in it. Although you may find it hard whilst feeling a bit panicky constantly telling yourself " im gonna have a panic attack" no DONT have a panic attack" not understading the word DONT your telling yourbrain im gonna have a panic attack, no **** have a panic attack.. tell yourself something enough and your mind thinks you want it to... starts releasing appropriate chemicals into brain amgyala you feel the start of it and bobs your uncle you get worse panic more take in more oxygen through breathing eratically feel a bit dizzy panic some more heart starts racing and your in your worst nightmare.. trust me, you dont have to go there.
I really wish i could teach you all the process as i have learnt over the last 4 days.. you would be amazed and kick yourself.. I felt like that after realising how easy it can be with meridian method and some confidence & self asteem...
leave me a message if you want any info
p.s i dont charge ;)

20-03-06, 10:34
i am exactly the same ,and seeing someone else put it into writing,is an eye opener.it has made me a virtual agoraphobic.Better notdo that,go there,drive ,etc in cace i have a panic attack.Nigel is sooooo right and stuio too.i must find out more!!!Love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore