View Full Version : really fed up

07-07-10, 10:51
ermmm, i duno

anxiety seems to have set its heart on ruining my life
i dunno what i ever done to it.

i do this wierd gulpy burpy thing to,dunno what thats about

25 years and i can just about get to the shop

thought id have some kind of life by now.

sorry for moaning.

07-07-10, 11:07
The gulpy burp thing is because youre swallowing air. I have that too, its annoying.

07-07-10, 11:13
why do i do it? i look like a chicken walking down the street.

07-07-10, 11:31
Davelee, burp away! No concerns about that! It is quite normal for some of us when we are panicky! Remember, panick is a "feeling" and all the physical symptoms are not threatening at all! I myself get quite bloated cause when I am panicky, I do not eat a lot. Hence, I burp a lot. Just laugh at yourself when it happens.

As for going out: Don't go down the "What if?" route. You will find that nearly a 100% of all your fears don't come true.

Good luck mate!

07-07-10, 11:58
thanks i just feel like its stopping me having a life,well it is really its like trying to fight something you cant see. and unless uve experienced it you cant understand.

just tired of it.