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View Full Version : Visibly shaking when anxious can anyone help?

07-07-10, 13:36
Hi There,
I was wondering if anyone suffered from the same thing as me. I do suffer from anxierty but just the shaking side of things, i dont have panic attacks however anxious i get but i just shake so much during day to day things e.g Paying by card, writing infront of people, passing things to people at work its taken over my life im so affriad of people watching me do things because i have it in my head ill shake, i take 20mg of citilopram which im not sure helps as ive took it around a year when having post natal depression.

If anyone has the same or any methods to help me i would me so greatfull.x

07-07-10, 13:43
Breathing very slowly and deeply will help stop your shakes. Or you can take propranalol,which helps me no end with the shaking.

07-07-10, 13:57
thanks vixxy, so does this affect your day to day life too, its so hard to stop yourself shaking as it just happens more i suppose im worried what people think when i show my anxierty and the shaking is one of them. Is propranalol a anxierty tablet?

jaded jean
07-07-10, 14:01
Hi Becky I am the same as you, I get bouts of shaking- no panic attacks I just say to people its the medication I am on 20mg of cit too. I have no idea about the propanalol tho hun -someone will know.
Take care

07-07-10, 14:24
Thanks jean, its nice to know im not alone it seems to have gone to my head all this shaking thing and its so visible i avoid situations im having cbt at moment however its still so hard and havent had a good day today x

07-07-10, 14:44
When I'm having a full blown anxiety attack I shake like mad as if I'm terrified or excited. It's horrible but to me it's my way of knowing I'm at the peak of my attack and it can't get worse. Well hopefully x

07-07-10, 15:44
I only really shake when im really bad with my ansiety. Propranalol is a beta blocker that works by stopping your body reacting to the adrenaline in your system.
Its not a miracle cure, it just dampens the effect of the adreanline. So you will still get panic attacks and anxiety, but the effects are lessened.
Its main use is to stop racing hearts and shaking.
Its not addictive and it works on a physical level, so its not like a sedative.

07-07-10, 18:42
Hmmm I'm on Propranolol and as much as it stops my racing heart I still shake like mad when I'm in a full blown anxiety attack?

08-07-10, 09:12
The thing is with me i dont have to be anxious to shake i do it because its all in my head, i fear shaking infront of people which makes me shake worse and then that makes me anxious its still a panic disorder. I just wondered if anyone else had the same, when i panic i do shake but in away this is different as i do it all the time. But thanks everyone for your comments:)