View Full Version : why am i scared of the weather!

07-07-10, 13:49
does anyone ever get frightened by the weather., either when its too hot! or to windy, or to cold!?? it seems to be something that once i start thinking about it i cant shake it out of my mind.. i question if the weather is normal...all the time!! its really frightening but i dont understand where this has come from.?. is this common in GAD? x

07-07-10, 13:55
for some reason i have become really sensitive to the light (maybe im a vampire)

07-07-10, 14:49
Don't worry Holly since having this anxiety I find myself scared of stupid things and yet the rational part of me always fights it and says "What the heck are you scared of that for, you know you're not" but it seems to be the way my body initially reacts.

I don't get it? But you're certainly not alone! x

08-07-10, 23:08
Have had this for about 10 years now.
If it too hot dare not go out as feel I can not breath and I can not get air.
Really scared of thunder storms.
Real scared about heavy rain, would not dare go out if rain was really heavy and if at home get scared that we will get a flood and die.
So very scared with wind, no way would I go out door on a very windy day would think I would have to struggle for breath.

Had a new phobia last winter now I have moved out of the city to country side am scared of snow if it gets heavy and more so if wind with it.
We had quite bad snow here a total white out with wind one night thought I was going to go mad. Thought we would suffocate.
Had a real fear of snow blocking all the doors and windows and being totally trapped.
It made me really ill so much I had to get someone to come and stay a few days with me when I know it was going to snow a lot

08-07-10, 23:55
thank you for your comments. it has made me feel so much better that im not alone. i always said to myself that anxiety is common but the weather worries.?!...i could not work out. i even did it today over fast moving clouds!!!!.

09-07-10, 16:32
Am scared of the weather also! Makes me very anxious. Am only ok if the weather is not to hot or to cold or to windy or icy. Its boiling at the moment and I hate it more than anything dont want to go out cos feel as if I cant breathe properly and might feel even more dizzy and sweaty so am in with the fan on! it feels crazy. I dont mind the rain. Its extremes of hot and cold I dont like. I darent walk when its icy or snowy, and hate strong wind!

10-07-10, 23:18
my guess is because it is something that is out of your control, hence, it makes it difficult to deal with.

16-07-10, 21:23
Hi All,

I can't abide the heat either, and I can't work out if it all in my head, or if my heart does actually beat a lot faster when it is hot. I wish I had the courage to try and walk up the road when it is hot, but after the last warm spell last week I ended up staying indoors and not even daring to go out in case I collapse, It is such an awful thing to have and has got worse since 2006, would be great if I knew why my heart raced so much when it is hot, I think the anxiety then takes over and all the other symptoms take over, it is a vicious circle.:shrug: