View Full Version : Finally seen my gp

07-07-10, 15:41
today I took that huge step and went to see my gp after months of either putting it off or being so overwhelmed at work and being unable to see my own dr-she works term time only and now only works 1.5 days a week so very hard to see her.

Unfortunatley she was running 40 mins late and I was between clients at work so once I did get in i had already had my boss on the phone asking where I was so I onl really spent 3 mins in with her. :weep:

I did manage to get as much as I could out-no where near as much as I would of liked but its a start. Shes prescibed me sertraline 50mg and refered me for counselling.

Im terrfied of taking drugs but I cant physically or emotionally keep going the way I am to the point im terrified of my own shadow and so anxious the whole time :weep: I had to leave work monday as I was having a huge panic attack and they are scaring me now. xx

07-07-10, 19:32
COngratulations on taking that first step, admitting we have a problem is the first step towards dealing with it and recovering.
I dont think anyone likes taking medication and we would all like to be doing without it, but sometimes it is a necessary thing that has to be done, try them but give them a few weeks as they dont work overnight and hopefully they'll impove your life as they have done for so many of us.

Keep Well
