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07-07-10, 15:43
I have an appointment to have an MRI scan. I was in hospital a few months back and we still don't know what is wrong for sure so haveing an MRI scan and I'm terrified. If this doesn't help they will ut me under. They want to do the MRI scan first though.

08-07-10, 00:49
Hi danielled,

Me again - lol - Hopefully some others will post too. My daughter had an MRI on her head in 2008. The only thing about it was that (some of) the machines are a little noisy. It was all very safe and we spent longer waiting than the scan took.

This is a film by Great Ormond Street hospital: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h398qoUFGGM

And this is a more grown up one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FallWN1uYco&feature=related

It may help a bit. They mention sedation for some patients but I don't think thats used often.

Granny Primark
08-07-10, 17:54
Ive had an mri scan.
Theres nothing to worry about it at all.
Im very claustrophobic but they kept talking to me for all the 25mins giving me reasurrance and telling me theyd have me out within seconds if it got too much for me.
Hope it goes well.